
Home Forums Pre-Sales WP User Integration – DEV license Pre-sales Q.

WP User Integration – DEV license Pre-sales Q.

Posted: January 26, 2014 at 9:15 pm

Rick Bond

January 26, 2014 at 9:15 pm

Hi there!

First of all, you have a great product! I have been using EE for a client’s glass blowing workshop registrations. Since last April she has registered over 1,754 attendees in 418 classes for a revenue of about $20K. As a web designer / developer I am impressed by the features and ease of customization of EE. So… thumbs up to all of you!!

I have another client who I am recommending EE for, and have some pre-sales requirements I would like some direction on. I would like to know if the following is possible out of the box for a new installation on the latest version of WordPress and EE:

– WP User Integration, can there be custom user meta data with multiple fields? (first n, last n, contact info, child name, siblings, order history, etc)
– Can we only allow registration if a registrant is a registered member in the system, but show events in the calendar to any user (all users can see events, but prompt to login or register on the site before registering for event)
– discounts for additional attendees (buy one get one 25% off)
– allow attendees to pay once for a session of events (12 events in a session over 3 months – can recurring events do this?)
– prorate fees for attendees registering mid-session (if full session is $10 per class for 12 classes total $120, registering halfway thru session would show cost of only $60)
– set capacity to 12 people, but allow 2 overflow for admin to add manually (so 14 total)
– Payment Gateways – is there one for Orbital payment gateway or Payment Tech?

Thanks for your responses!


January 27, 2014 at 4:37 am

Hi Rick,

Thank you for your kind words! If you get time, feel free to share your thoughts –

Regarding your needs:

– WP User Integration, can there be custom user meta data with multiple fields? (first n, last n, contact info, child name, siblings, order history, etc)

Not currently, it only transfers basic data (name, email, address). That is a pretty good idea though, so I will add it to our feature request list.

– Can we only allow registration if a registrant is a registered member in the system, but show events in the calendar to any user (all users can see events, but prompt to login or register on the site before registering for event)

Yes, by setting the event to members only. You will likely need to tweak the single registration template though as by default the content is hidden to non members.

– discounts for additional attendees (buy one get one 25% off)

Not currently. In ver 3 we have the Volume Discount addon that can trigger a discount once a threshold has been met, but it is limited in that it can only have one discount type across the site.

Version four has the ability to set a min/max ticket quantity so you could set up several tickets with different quantities like 1, 2, 4 etc each with a different price. It’s not 100% what you are after but I think it would be the closest we have currently.

– allow attendees to pay once for a session of events (12 events in a session over 3 months – can recurring events do this?)

Not easily in version 3, though version 4 can probably handle this better. In ver 3 one way would be to create X events and link them all to the first event, so the attendee signs up to one event but it is shown X times on the calendar. Not elegant but it is one way.

– prorate fees for attendees registering mid-session (if full session is $10 per class for 12 classes total $120, registering halfway thru session would show cost of only $60)

Not in ver 3, ver 4 can do this as it allows you to set a ticket price dependant upon date, so you could set up X tickets with different prices that sequentially end one after the other.

– set capacity to 12 people, but allow 2 overflow for admin to add manually (so 14 total)

Neither versions have that feature. Best you could do with that is to manually change the event capacity before adding the attendee manually.

– Payment Gateways – is there one for Orbital payment gateway or Payment Tech?

No – the current list is here: Please note that those are for version 3, version 4 will have a limited selection.

I hope that helps, please let me know if you need more info or clarification.

Rick Bond

January 28, 2014 at 7:24 pm

Hey thanks for the info Dean – much appreciated!

I assume when you refer to v3 vs v4 you mean of Event Espresso core? How close to release is v4, as I see notes that it shouldn’t be used on production sites. Just checking before I head down the road customizing too far.

Thanks again,

Sidney Harrell

January 28, 2014 at 8:19 pm

EE version 4 should drop in Beta within about a week, but it still won’t be recommended for production sites and the add-ons that are for version 3 have not been rewritten to be version 4 compatible yet. It probably depends on your delivery schedule and how much of the add-on’s features that you require.

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