
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium WP User Integration and Registering multiple attendees

WP User Integration and Registering multiple attendees

Posted: December 2, 2022 at 12:54 pm

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December 2, 2022 at 12:54 pm


We have a use case we wanted to get some input on.

We run workshops for kids, and their parents are primarily registering their children.

We are looking for input on how we can set up EE to serve this use case better. We need parents to be able to create an account and register multiple children.

With the UP User Integration plugin, how could this work?
Can it save multiple attendees’ information to register their kids for future events easily?
Can the parents manage details per child (attendee)?



  • Support Staff

December 4, 2022 at 2:52 pm

Hi there,

Separating the ‘Purchaser’ (in this case the Parent) from the attendee isn’t something EE officially supports currently so there are no sort of ‘Parent’ management functions allowing a user to manage multiple attendee registrations made using various details etc.

It is possible to set up an Event to collect additional questions on the registration form so that you can set up a sort of ‘sudo’ purchaser and use the details provided to send the emails but it doesn’t work for all use cases.

It basically a set of custom questions assigned to the primary registrant which you then call in the emails sent so they go to the ‘parent’. Each child would still need to provide the first name, last name and email address for each individual registration.

Would that work for your use case?

Note the WP User integration add-on will not provide any additional functionality to help with this as far as I can tell, not out of the box at least.


December 6, 2022 at 5:20 pm

Tony, is this a customization we could make or would be possible to make with an dev experienced in EE?


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2022 at 4:55 am

The one I’m talking about above with the custom questions or a ‘proper’ customization?

The above you can do yourself and I can guide you more on how to do it if you’d like to try it?

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