
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium WP User Integration (6)

WP User Integration (6)

Posted: September 7, 2016 at 9:10 am

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Wassim Zeidan

September 7, 2016 at 9:10 am

Our site has been running Event Espresso for since 2013 without using the WP User Integration.

I installed the plugin to see how it works and did a test registration from my account. When I go to the “My Events” area, I can only see the ticket that was registered this year and none of the past years even though same details were used.

Is there a way to link past tickets to the word press users? or in other words, which MySQL table would would link the ticket to the user?


  • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Wassim Zeidan.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

September 9, 2016 at 1:49 am

Hi Wassim,

With EE3 the attendee/registration data would only be linked to the user if the WP Users Integration add-on was active at the time of registration.

Is there a way to link past tickets to the word press users?

No, if the WP Users add-on was not active there is no record of which user created the registration. As they can use any first name, last name and email address they preferred you can’t easily link the registration data with the user.

or in other words, which MySQL table would would link the ticket to the user?

That would be {prefix}_events_member_rel which stores the event_id, the user_id, the attendee_id and the users role when they make a registration.

You won’t have that relationship within the tables currently as you have not been using the add-on before now.

Wassim Zeidan

September 21, 2016 at 6:12 am

Hi Tony,

WP Users add-on has been active since the beginning but attendees were not required to register.

Anyway, I used MySQL to add information for one of the attendees and it work.

Thank you


  • Support Staff

September 22, 2016 at 4:46 am

WP Users add-on has been active since the beginning but attendees were not required to register.

So previously the users were not logged i whilst the Users Add-on was activated? The users add-on relies on the user being logged in to add the user_id to the registration.

Anyway, I used MySQL to add information for one of the attendees and it work.

So you have this working?

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