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WordPress 6.6.1. vs WordPress 6.7.1?

Posted: February 11, 2025 at 9:32 am

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February 11, 2025 at 9:32 am

Every now and then, with increasing frequency, the MAC event pages via Event Espresso do not host the carriage returns or line breaks. This makes things all appear squished. Also, during this time, edits are not saved to the site. We usually have to wait up to an hour for the site to return to normal, and make our changes again. We are currently on WordPress 6.6.1. Would the problem be solved if we upgraded to WordPress 6.7.1?


  • Support Staff

February 11, 2025 at 10:17 am

Hi there,

Thats not something I’ve heard of before, it sounds more like a server issue than a specific version number issue. I don’t think updating WordPress is going to fix this, although I do recommend staying up to date.

Which specific pages show this issue when it’s happening?


February 11, 2025 at 10:42 am

It comes and goes so it is hard to show you live. Here is a link to a PDF of what happened yesterday.


February 11, 2025 at 10:42 am

Does Event Espresso have any issues if we update to WordPress 6.7.1?


  • Support Staff

February 11, 2025 at 10:55 am

Does Event Espresso have any issues if we update to WordPress 6.7.1?

No, we always test against the latest version of WordPress so recommend being on the latest version.

It comes and goes so it is hard to show you live. Here is a link to a PDF of what happened yesterday.

Ok, so here’s a comparison between the PDF (left) and Live (right):

So your saying the version in the PDF is broken, right? What exactly is broken?

I can see one of the images isn’t loading but they both match?


  • Support Staff

February 11, 2025 at 11:07 am

And of course… I realised after doing the above that once I refresh the page the page then load properly and that’s why it matched…. becuase it was showing the issue you were referring to (facepalm moment).

So that page should load like this:

So I think this is related to WP Engines cache, I can’t think of any other logical explanation for it.

Unfortauntely, because I refreshed the page earlier I can’t compare a working to broken page load, but I’ll keep the working page open and try a few times randomly to try and get the ‘broken’ page to load again.


February 11, 2025 at 12:22 pm

Yes, you are correct. The first screenshot was the issue and the second was not. It should look like this:


February 11, 2025 at 12:23 pm

I will checks with WPE.


February 11, 2025 at 12:42 pm

I asked WPE to exclude caching on the events and now the page looks permanently skewed. Do you think that is a formatting issue now or do you think we are still having an issue with another plugin?


  • Support Staff

February 11, 2025 at 2:42 pm

Do you think that is a formatting issue now or do you think we are still having an issue with another plugin?

All of the P tags are either being stripped out of the content.

But why and by what, I have no idea!

And, it is still inconsistent. I have one tab showing the P tags and another showing them removed. This is very strange and not something I’ve seen before.

I don’t think this is an EE code issue in itself, we don’t remove the tags, but something is definitely hooking in here and stripping tags from the content… for some requests and not others.


  • Support Staff

February 11, 2025 at 2:53 pm

Also, just to confirm, you are intentionally using external registration for your events, correct?

Clicking to buy tickets directs the user to another site, and I assume that’s intended based on the constant and look of that site but just confirming.


February 11, 2025 at 3:05 pm

Here is what I have done so far to keep you in the loop. I did reach out to WPE and they excluded the cache on the events pages. We also use Auto-optimize and I kept that plugin active because when I deactivated it the event calendar on the site blew out of proportion. The formatting seems to be correct now so I was going to ask the client to try it out and see if they still experience an issue. If they do, we will then have to troubleshoot all the plugins against Event Espresso and see if one is causing this issue. Yes, the client uses a different site to ticket purchasing.


  • Support Staff

February 11, 2025 at 3:25 pm

What you are likely best doing here is creating a staging or development copy of the current site to troubleshoot this on.

WP Engine have their own system fro creating these but just copy the current site to a staging environment and see if your can reproduce this there.

That way you can then de-activate and troubleshooting plugins there away from the live site.


February 11, 2025 at 3:29 pm

Yes, if the client sees that they still have this issue that is what we will do. They just hate paying for the time to troubleshoot! 😉

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