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Will Event Espresso Do What I Need?

Posted: April 1, 2015 at 12:41 pm


April 1, 2015 at 12:41 pm

We want to build a site similar to this

Basically we run childrens sports classes and want the parent to be able to visit our website, register, book an event for the child or children and pay.

We also want the parents and childrens personal information to be stored so they can edit it and also when they login in again all their personal information will be loaded into a booking form if they choose to book another class.

Will event espresso do this?



  • Support Staff

April 1, 2015 at 3:27 pm

Hi Murray,

How are you today?

EE4 should work nicely for you. You will have to work with how you organize and filter classes on the front-end, because all those views are not available by default. We do have some add-ons to help with front-end views though.

But with the EE4 WP User Integration you can let people create accounts and we’ll use their personal information to pre-fill the registration forms.

Does that help?


April 2, 2015 at 6:09 am

Hi Garth,

Thanks for your reply.

So to clarify, can we do the following with events espresso:

Can we create a custom registration form to include parent and children(s) info such as:

Parent / Guardian Details

Parent / Guardian Name
E-mail Address
Contact Number
Parent / Guardian Name 2
Contact Number 2
E-mail Address 2

Child 1:

Child’s Name
Date of Birth
Please State Any Medical Conditions Your Child Has
Name of Nursery / Pre School

Child 2: (Can this be done as conditional logic?)

Child’s Name
Date of Birth
Please State Any Medical Conditions Your Child Has
Name of Nursery / Pre School

2) Once the customer has registered can they then login to their account and update the above info?

3) If the customer comes back to our website to book a new class and we are using the EE4 User Integration Add-on can the above info be auto filled into the class booking form if they are logged in?

4) Can the customer view the information for the classes they have booked and past classes they have booked/attended?

5) Please could you explain about this:

“You will have to work with how you organize and filter classes on the front-end, because all those views are not available by default. We do have some add-ons to help with front-end views though.”

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 2, 2015 at 12:51 pm

Hi Murray,

The primary registrant and additional registrants can have separate questions.

For the additional parent / guardian, I would create those as a custom question group so that information is associated with the first parent.

Collecting information for children will be possible but if you need each child to be listed in the registrations overview screen, then an email will be needed if even that email is for the parent.

Here is an idea on how to handle this:

The WP User integration will auto fill information for the primary registrant. It will not populate any additional attendee/registrant records.

We do not currently have a feature that will allow a member to view their events but we are working that as an enhancement to the WP User Integration.

The grid presentation here is currently possible:

You could create a WordPress page with images and information for each age group.

Then events for each age group will be added to a specific event category.

You could then create new WordPress pages to handle events for each category.


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