
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium We've begun to spontanously lose Tickets associated with ongoing classes

We've begun to spontanously lose Tickets associated with ongoing classes

Posted: March 14, 2024 at 9:13 pm

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March 14, 2024 at 9:13 pm

Hi there,
Me again – this time my other client ( is having issues. Last week Beginning Sewing suddenly lost all of the tickets associated with it – I had to restore a backup to get them back. Then it happened again today with a different class. I’m in the process of restoring again. But as you can imagine they are kinda freaking out. I did notice today that EE was due for an update (but with my other issues on Hoffman I wasn’t sure I should update)

I added a little History plugin after last week’s episode, to see if maybe there were ‘things afoot’ – but looks normal. Not anything odd that I can tell. I also talked to Flywheel and they couldn’t say anything odd was happening.

This is SO WEIRD> like I can’t imagine what might trigger this. I’ve never seen anytyhing like this happen.

They do tend to reuse classes over and over again – each term, dumping the registrants and then relisting the class with new times/dates…. would that come to haunt them like this?

What would you need from me to maybe help figure this out?

Thanks guys, I”m sorry to be such a pain in the ass.


March 15, 2024 at 9:57 am

I have a lead!
So this happened when the client went in to change the number of tickets availabe for one of the date times. They sell tickets on another platform and have to do this alot. I think that change and subsequent Update Page, triggered the dissapearance of all the tickets. I’m going to spin up a new staging environment to test…. more soon!

But let me know if you can think of somethig else to test…

Thanks guys!


March 15, 2024 at 4:06 pm

Update: I booted up a staging site and tested the process of changing the number of tickets left (then saving the event) and it worked just fine… All the tickets were still there after I made the update. They are completely convinced since this has happened to them twice that there is something wrong – I just do not know what do to since I cant replicate the problem. I still haven’t updated EE core…


  • Support Staff

April 3, 2024 at 12:57 am

Hello, We would like to ask if this problem did happen again? Have a wonderful day!


April 3, 2024 at 10:04 am

I cannot duplicate this problem but they continue to have it happen to them. Yesterday they made one change to ticket’s available amounts, saved the page and went back to see that ALL tickets/datetimes were gone… they are completely losing their shit over this – and I can’t blame them… the problem is… I don’t know why this is happening and I can get it to happen for me. Maybe I just need to keep trying. But what could possible cause this? Seems so weird.


  • Support Staff

April 3, 2024 at 8:08 pm

What is the site URL? and is there a way they can send the credentials so we can test? Can you replicate the issue using their site? if yes, can you shoot a video for us? can you use loom to do it?

Thanks for reporting this.


April 4, 2024 at 9:33 am
I’ve been asking them to Loom every time they do this in hopes we can catch it on film… but so far everytime they do it while filming, it doesn’t happen. I’m going to see if I can get it to happy on my staging instance and I’ll be filimg it too….
More soon, I hope.


  • Support Staff

April 4, 2024 at 6:37 pm

Awesome.. You can also share this guide to them, so we can also catch the log.

thanks again.

have a wonderful day!

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