
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Waitlist Notification message failing to send

Waitlist Notification message failing to send

Posted: April 26, 2024 at 12:43 am

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Somatic Practice

April 26, 2024 at 12:43 am

Hello –
One of our events has sold out and we have started a waiting list, using the EE Waitlist add-on. Students have begun signing up for the waiting list, but the notification messages are failing to send – they are in the message list as failed, with the following error message:
Message failed to generate for the following reasons:
Incoming data for the Gateways data handler must have an EE_Transaction object as the value for the first array index.

I notice that several normal registrations for other events have also failed. I have a test registration in the system, for which messages are going through as expected.

Can you shed some light please?


  • Support Staff

April 26, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Students have begun signing up for the waiting list, but the notification messages are failing to send – they are in the message list as failed, with the following error message:

Can you tell us the message type that failing?

Can you share if you did modified that template? probably changing its content or shortcode? If you did, when you do test email, did it send perfectly? Can you try to do the default and see if it can be send without problem?

I notice that several normal registrations for other events have also failed.

Does the payment failed too? what payment method was used?


Somatic Practice

May 9, 2024 at 1:18 pm

Hi – sorry for the delayed reply. I’ve been trying to understand what’s happening so I can describe it better. There are several issues and I’m not sure if they are related.

Can you share if you did modified that template? probably changing its content or shortcode? If you did, when you do test email, did it send perfectly? Can you try to do the default and see if it can be send without problem?

We did have a snippet that altered the waitlist pop-up, but I have disabled that and the error is still occurring. No shortcodes in any message templates have been altered that I’m aware of.

Per my second point, “I notice that several normal registrations for other events have also failed.”

Does the payment failed too? what payment method was used?

We changed from PayPal to Stripe about 2 months ago. All was operating properly for the most part, however some payments are failing, and some students are making duplicate registrations, which then need to be refunded. It appears in these cases that the original payments go through, but there is no primary registrant info attached. I believe this is what’s generating the error.

Confirmation messages for various events are also failing. These vary – confirmations and payment messages, for the most part. Waitlist confirmation messages are not going out at all, and for the most part these issues have been occurring since after the waitlist was enabled for one event only.

Somatic Practice

May 9, 2024 at 2:09 pm

FYI I have just replicated the process by which a registration fails. In my test, an error appears advising that the step could not be completed and advising the student (me) to refresh the page and try again. Refreshing the page causes a critical error. The failed registration generates a transaction and the student is charged.

The failed registration appears in the system, without a primary registrant attached, and Stripe sends a confirmation message for the payment.

No messages are sent from Event Espresso. Checking the message queue, I can see many attempts to send confirmations both to us and to the student. Message to student has “No Recipient” in the “To” column. Clicking the wrench icon in an attempt to generate and send the message results in a critical error. Message to event admin also does not send, clicking info icon yields the error message: “Message failed to generate for the following reasons:
Incoming data for the Gateways data handler must have an EE_Transaction object as the value for the first array index.”

EE appears to be retrying messages multiple times, and there is a very long list of failed messages for each transaction in the message queue.


  • Support Staff

May 9, 2024 at 8:23 pm

Can you fill this form so we can look at it? Do you have staging site? can we look on that?


Somatic Practice

May 10, 2024 at 3:14 pm

Thanks I’ll get those credentials over to you shortly.

In the meantime, I can let you know I think we have eliminated the error by disabling the EE Promotions plug-in. This was indicated by a WP message related to one of the critical errors we received, when trying to generate messages. I’ll paste the error details to you in a PM below.

Somatic Practice

May 10, 2024 at 3:17 pm

This reply has been marked as private.

Somatic Practice

May 10, 2024 at 4:50 pm

Hi Rio,

It appears that the plugin
Event Espresso – Promotions (EE 4.9.10+)
may be involved. When Eve deactivated she and students were sent a flood of emails (50+?) that had not come through since mid March.

I’ve just sent you a “Send Login Details” form to give you access to the staging server and I’m going to keep testing on the staging server.


  • Support Staff

May 10, 2024 at 8:24 pm

We need to look more on this issue. Kindly send us also the FTP credentials?

Do you have any custom code that is affecting promotion or messages?


Somatic Practice

May 13, 2024 at 5:10 pm

Hi Rio,

I sent the “Send Login Details” form again, this time with FTP credentials and an updated WP password.

No I don’t believe we have any custom code that is affecting promotion or messages. Custom code is here:

Thanks for your help!



  • Support Staff

May 14, 2024 at 12:56 am

Thank you, It seems the conflict is on the CC, For now, you can remove those so you can still use the promotion plugin. I will also create ticket for more investigation from our developer.

​thank you.

Somatic Practice

May 14, 2024 at 10:59 am

Thanks Rio –

We have that CC configuration on other system messages as well – this allows us to have a copy for follow-up with the student if needed. Will all system messages need to be adjusted? I am assuming so since multiple message types have been failing.

Also, since Event_Author_Email and Co_Email are both being used in the CC, it would help to know if both addresses need to be removed, or if only one of them is causing the issue.

Thanks again!


  • Support Staff

May 14, 2024 at 6:31 pm

Both of theme needed to be removed. You can also make some test send email available on the message section.


Somatic Practice

May 14, 2024 at 7:29 pm

OK thank you. I don’t think the Test Email you propose is workable, since we want to receive a copy of these messages with each registration, for our record keeping and customer service purposes.

I also need to get clarity on my follow up question above – do ALL of our message templates need to be adjusted, or just the Primary Registrant for template for Waitlist registrations? As I mentioned previously, this is not the only message type that was failing to send. There are 3500 messages of various types in our “Failed Messages” queue – I think many of them will be repeated attempts to send the same message. It may be helpful for you to take a look at that queue.

Somatic Practice

May 14, 2024 at 7:31 pm

PS as far as I can tell, there have been no message failures since we disabled the Promotions plug-in, on May 9. Since we don’t use promotion codes that much, we’ll leave it disabled until we hear that you’ve been able to push a fix.


  • Support Staff

May 15, 2024 at 3:35 am

No worries, i did submit a report on this. Thanks for understanding and have a wonderful day.

thanks again.

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