
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Venue field dropped after upgrade to EE v5.0.11

Venue field dropped after upgrade to EE v5.0.11

Posted: December 4, 2023 at 6:50 am

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Jonathan Curle

December 4, 2023 at 6:50 am


Our EE install was updated to V5.0.11 and whilst in general all seems well, the venue field for each event has reset to “select venue”.

Naturally we can go through and reselect the venues, but this will take a while and I wondered if there was a database update needed, or a way to fix without the resorting to the manual method?

Many thanks


  • Support Staff

December 4, 2023 at 9:04 am

Hi there,

Our EE install was updated to V5.0.11 and whilst in general all seems well, the venue field for each event has reset to “select venue”.

Which version number did you update from?

When you update from pre v5 there is a database migration which runs to update the database so I’m wondering which version you had previously.

Jonathan Curle

December 4, 2023 at 9:08 am

Hi, It was on v4.10.46 I believe. I had purposely not updated to v5, but it seems someone within the company did. So best thing to say was it was “unplanned”.


  • Support Staff

December 4, 2023 at 9:22 am

Had the site previously been updated to v5 before and then dropped back down?

You can check in Event Espresso -> Maintenance -> System information.

There is a section called ‘ee activation history’ but if you search for ‘5.0.’ on the page it should show up if there was an ‘old’ timestamp for a version of EE5.

(Note I’m just trying to figure out why your venues aren’t assigned here, the fact that the above may have happened doesn’t really matter but if it has, I can give you a plugin to re-run the migration as its specifically for the venues which should fix it)

Can you create a database backup? If so, please do so now.

Jonathan Curle

December 4, 2023 at 9:42 am


No, I can confirm it wasn’t upgraded from and then back to 4, the site was running on v4 since 3rd Nov 2022, the next timestamp in ee activation history is 23rd Nov 2023 09:28, this matches the timestamp on the files in the plugin folder.

I was only made aware of the issue this morning when someone asked why the venue information was missing from events.

Naturally no one is owning up to having run the update…


  • Support Staff

December 4, 2023 at 5:02 pm

Lol it’s a gremlin 😉

Ok… so… the good news is the migration run within EE5 only touches the venues, so we can force those migrations to run without worrying about what it ‘could’ do.

However, on testing this before sending it over, I’ve found an issue that will likely cause a fatal error on your site, its an easy fix but will need to be done before you move forward with this.

In /wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/data_migration_scripts/EE_Data_Migration_Script_Stage_Table.core.php

Line 31 will be:

protected ?string $_extra_where_sql;

Change it to be:

protected ?string $_extra_where_sql = '';

Then, create a database backup. I know I said it earlier but we are forcing a DB change here so if something does manage to go wrong, that backup is going to be your lifeline.

Then install and activate THIS plugin (you can deactivate it again straight after).

It will force EE into maintenance mode and ask you to rerun the migration.

Run through the migration step and it should update you Venue info.

Once complete check if your venues now show on your events.

If you get any error during the above, add a screenshot of the page you are on and the error you can see please.

Jonathan Curle

December 5, 2023 at 7:44 am

Hahaha yep, Gremlin is a nice way of putting it 🙂

OK, I am going to plan to take a clone of the site and test on there, then we can role out if all goes to plan. Likely at the end of this week when it quietens down a little, but I will report back.

Thanks Tony 🙂


  • Support Staff

December 5, 2023 at 2:09 pm

You’re most welcome, please do let me know how it goes.

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