
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium v5.0.13.p crashes website – Link to 5.0.12p?

v5.0.13.p crashes website – Link to 5.0.12p?

Posted: January 17, 2024 at 10:13 am

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January 17, 2024 at 10:13 am

Hi there,

Could you please provide me with a download link to v5.0.12p? My website crashes since the 5.0.13 update.

Thank you.

Benoît Machuel


  • Support Staff

January 17, 2024 at 2:21 pm

Hi there,

We’ve had a couple of reports of a fatal and spent some time investigating it, found the cause and pushed another update to fit that (5.0.14.p)

If you update to the latest version you shouldn’t have any further issues.

Note – this issue was due to an incompatibility when used with PHP7.4.XX which has not been EOL for over a year. I recommend setting to time aside to switch to PHP8.X, you may find that some plugins are incompatible with that version of PHP and/or need to be updated.


January 18, 2024 at 12:29 am

I still have the same error 502 with v5.0.14p. FYI, I am using PHP7.4.33.


  • Support Staff

January 18, 2024 at 2:20 am

Error 502?

As in 502 Bad Gateway?

7.4.33 is the same version running on the site I’m testing 5.0.14.p against and not getting an error.

Can I take a look? If so I can enable WP_DEBUG and should be able narrow down what is causing the error. For that I would need WP Admin and FTP credetnails which you can provide using this form:


January 18, 2024 at 3:20 am

Our site is on 7.4.33 and previouly crashed when updating to the last 5.0.14 EE update. Is this going to happen when updating to 5.0.14p? What did you change in order to make it work with 7.4.33?


  • Support Staff

January 18, 2024 at 3:38 am

Our site is on 7.4.33 and previouly crashed when updating to the last 5.0.14 EE update.

I assume you mean 5.0.13 here?

Is this going to happen when updating to 5.0.14p?

5.0.14.p is working correctly for me on PHP7.4.33 so it should work fine.

If you have FTP credentials for the site I can run the update for you if preferred, then if there is an issue I can revert/fix for you.

What did you change in order to make it work with 7.4.33?

We had some code that handled an exception thrown by the PayPal payment method fine in PHP8 but in PHP7.4 it would throw an error, so we changed how we handled the exception to prevent it.


January 18, 2024 at 12:04 pm

Thank you for the offer Tony but we use SiteGround and I can easily create a staging copy of the site and will try updating there first. Much less work to see if all is good. I’ll post an update once I try updating from the existing 5.0.11.p to 5.0.14.p. We are using PHP 7.4.33.


  • Support Staff

January 18, 2024 at 3:40 pm

I’ve been working with another user on SiteGround having this exact same issue…

I have the exact same PHP version number installed (7.4.33) on multiple different servers and Event Espresso 5.0.14.p runs fine there.

However, as soon as I activate EE5.0.14.p on SiteGrounds PHP7.4 version, I get error 500. No errors are logged and I can’t enable error reporting to view anything more than SiteGrounds custom error page.

If I update the PHP version to PHP8+ on SiteGround, everything works fine.

I’ve opened a support ticket with SiteGround regarding this as I need the error being thrown on their severs to investigate this further. Their response so far is that Event Espresso must not be compatible with PHP7.4, but again I’m using exactly the same version elsewhere without any issue, so I need the specific error being thrown to be able to investigate.

Right now to fix this in SiteGround you’ll need to change PHP versions.

Siteground Dashboard -> Site -> Devs -> PHP Manager.

Under Live sites make sure you have the correct domain selected.

Under PHP version, click to edit the version.

Change from managed PHP to manual:

Select PHP8.0.30 or higher:


EE5.0.14.p will now work.

Whist this doesn’t really prove anything, here’s a quick screenshot from a ‘live’ site running 7.4.33 elsewhere:

That site is running EE5.0.14.p


January 19, 2024 at 12:05 am

I am on Siteground as well and confirm the behaviour described above. Testing with php8 was the first thing I did but not all plugins are compatible with this version, so I am currently stuck with 7.4.


January 19, 2024 at 3:17 am

Thanks for your comments bmachuel. I just did the same: created a staging site, updated to 5.0.14p and boom – 500 Server Error. Before I did the update I turned on WP debug. Nothing on page, nothing in SG Error log and nothing in pho error log. So, at this point I thing it is fruitless to continue trying. While I know Tony would like to know why – I don’t think we’ll find out.

So, while I had the staging copy up, I selected php 8.1.27 to run and everything came alive – as you both may have found. Other than “PayPal Commerce has updated the API integration type to allow more flexibility with payments. Please disconnect and re-Connect on the Payment Methods admin page to update the credentials and allow advanced payment type options.” I found nothing awry to lead me to believe I should not move up to php 8.1.27 BEFORE I update EE to 5.0.14p. My other main plugins all seem to be running fine. I just need to check Gravity Forms and Paid Memberships Pro support site to confirm.

Have either of you used WP Engine PHP Compatibility Checker to test theme and plugins for php version changes?


January 19, 2024 at 5:04 am

Please ignore my question: “Have either of you used WP Engine PHP Compatibility Checker to test theme and plugins for php version changes?”

Apparently, it is junk and has not been a good experience for recent users.

I guess I check compatibility the old fashioned way….


  • Support Staff

January 19, 2024 at 6:22 am

This reply has been marked as private.


  • Support Staff

January 19, 2024 at 6:31 am

I’ve added a copy of 5.0.11.p in a private reply for you to download if needed.

This is something I am currently investigating, I have a staging site available on SiteGround and can reproduce this but no errors are thown/logged (regardless of WP_DEBUG). I have contacted SiteGround themselves and the only error thy can give me is:

2024-01-18 22:51:14.403664 [Thu Jan 18 22:51:14.403617 2024] [core:error] [pid 87370] End of script output before headers: index.php, referer:{REMOVED}

Their conclusion is that Event Espresso is not PHP7.4 compatible, but its running on PHP7.4.33 within (for example) Bluehost for other users. Very odd. I’m guessing a module not compiled on their specific PHP version but still digging.

I am on Siteground as well and confirm the behaviour described above. Testing with php8 was the first thing I did but not all plugins are compatible with this version, so I am currently stuck with 7.4.

Every plugin should be pushing for PHP8 compatibility.

PHP7 has been EOL for over a year and hosts are pushing more and more to move to later versions of PHP because of it. If plugins don’t keep up to date they will be left behind eventually here. Throwing deprecated notices, warnings etc is fine, but outright incompatibility with PHP8 as it stands means the plugin isn’t being maintained.

All of EE is PHP8 compatible, we do still throw the odd notice but the functional everything should work with PHP8 now (at the very leave PHP8.1).

Please ignore my question: “Have either of you used WP Engine PHP Compatibility Checker to test theme and plugins for php version changes?”

It basically just checks for PHP8 functions, its a good tool, but its not sophisticated enough to catch all issues… so then its blamed for not catching those lol


  • Support Staff

January 19, 2024 at 3:12 pm

I’ve just pushed an update live that should fix this (version 5.0.15.p)

Please update to the latest version of Event Espresso and see if you still have an issue. If you don’t see the update available just yet then go to Dashboard -> Event Espresso -> General Settings.

Don’t make any changes, just hit save.

Now the update should show in Dashboard -> Plugins.

For anyone interested in this, on SiteGround (and so far only on SiteGround) this code:

protected ?EEM_Base $_model = null;

Thats in \event-espresso-core\core\EE_Capabilities.core.php

As it is it throws a fatal with no details.

That code is perfectly valid and is setting a typed property to allow it to be either null (done with the ?) or an instance of EEM_Base.

If I ‘break’ the type setting with something like:
protected EEM_Base $_model = null; (removed the ? meaning the property can’t be null anymore)

It correctly blows up with an error because it can’t be null, but is set to null!

Or if I set the type wrong:
protected ?something $_model = null;

Again it correctly blows up because it’s not an instance of ‘something’ or null!

But as soon as I set the above back to ?EEM_Base the site instantly goes down with no error to find. In short, it looks like something is going a miss on the version of PHP installed on SiteGround.

We’ve applied a patch in EE core to work around this by replacing the above with:

     * @var EEM_Base
    protected $_model = null;

Which is ‘ok’, but the original code is valid for PHP7.4 and should work.


January 20, 2024 at 1:01 pm

5.0.15.p works with no issue. Thank you!


January 21, 2024 at 3:06 am

Thank you Tony for the excellent diagnostic work here. I have not patched with the latest 5.0.15.p but will do so soon. We will probably be moving up to php 8.1.27 as well since it’s only a matter of time that 7xx will go away.


  • Support Staff

January 21, 2024 at 5:03 pm

Awesome, if you need anything, feel free to reach us again.


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