
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Using EE Shortcodes Outside of EE

Using EE Shortcodes Outside of EE

Posted: November 8, 2023 at 7:50 am


November 8, 2023 at 7:50 am


I understand we cannot use EE shortcodes outside of EE but is it possible for me to create a custom shortcode to mimic the [payment_url] EE shortcode? Or maybe there is another way that isn’t using shortcodes at all…

Context: We are using the Groundhogg CRM plugin and created an abandoned cart email funnel (if the user is still in pending payment status for 1hr, an email will be sent). That is fine and works, but I am trying to think of a way to have a link within the email itself that will take the user directly to the payment page like the link in the EE pending payment email does.

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

November 8, 2023 at 4:24 pm

Hi there,

Sure, you can create your own version of the link but you will need to pass at least 1 additional value over to Groundhogg.

The URL is generated using this:

public function payment_overview_url($clear_session = false)
    return add_query_arg(
        (array) apply_filters(
                'e_reg_url_link' => $this->reg_url_link(),
                'step'           => 'payment_options',
                'revisit'        => true,
                'clear_session'  => (bool) $clear_session,

So the ‘only’ part of the link that is unique is the ‘e_reg_url_link’ value which means in order to recreate the link you need the reg_url_link() value from the primary_registant passed over to Groundhogg.

I assume as you’ve created your own integration here you know how to do that?

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