
Home Forums Roles and Permissions Add-ons (EE3) Users Accessing Questions, Question Groups and Staff

Users Accessing Questions, Question Groups and Staff

Posted: November 13, 2012 at 12:48 pm

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November 13, 2012 at 12:48 pm

I’m a little confused on the function of Roles and Permissions (Basic and Pro). As an admin, I’ve setup Questions, Question Groups and Staff Members for my events, but when I grant access to a user to be the Event Admin, or any other role similar, they cannot see the questions, question groups or staff members I’ve created for them in the add/edit event details page.

Is this a standard function of Roles and Permissions – that each user had to recreate or create their own questions/staff? Or am I missing a setting? (I’ve set the User Permissions to allow for the lowest user role possible)


November 13, 2012 at 12:48 pm

I am running the latest version of EE and the Permissions Basic and Pro Add Ons.

Jonathan Wilson

November 14, 2012 at 2:50 pm


Sorry for the delay in response.
Staff members can only see custom questions and question groups that are created with a user account in the same role. If you’d like your staff members to see questions that you create, you will need to log in as a staff member and add the questions. Then they will be able to see them when they log in.

Dan Korvas

November 21, 2012 at 9:12 am

Can this be changed in any way? For example, with the custom files add-on? It would be nice if users only saw events they created. Or at the very least could only edit events they have created. Can this be done with custom files? Thanks.


Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 27, 2012 at 3:50 pm

Event Admins can only see questions, question groups and events that they create.
Master Admins can see questions, question groups and events that anyone creates (All Questions/All Question Groups becomes visible with R&P Pro).

If you are looking to restrict a users’ access to just their own events — so they can’t edit other people’s events — then you would need to use the Event Admin role for those users. What other people have done in the past is, with the user switching plugin, switch to that user, create the questions/question groups you want them to have access to, then switch back to yourself.

I had originally lobbied for a “global questions/global question group” feature where a question or question group could be marked as “global” so it’s available to all users, but this was voted down by the dev team. If this sounds like something that would be useful for you (or anyone else), I can submit a feature request to build this feature into R&P Pro.

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