
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Upgrading EE3 to EE5 – existing data (events, attendees, etc.) not moving to EE5

Upgrading EE3 to EE5 – existing data (events, attendees, etc.) not moving to EE5

Posted: January 28, 2025 at 4:13 pm

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william Kaczor

January 28, 2025 at 4:13 pm

We are trying to upgrade from Event Espresso 3 to Event Espresso 4/5, using the directions found here:

We are attempting this upgrade first on a test website instance.

The problem we are running into is that our old/existing Event Espresso data (events, attendees, etc.) from Event Espresso 3 in not appearing once we upgrade to Event Espresso 5.

Note that we are using on Event Espresso version:, so it is the latest version of EE3.

Specifically, we are currently using the following Event Espresso 3 plugins:

Event Espresso Version
Event Espresso – Calendar Version 2.2.9.p
Event Espresso – Multi Event Registration Version 1.0.5.p
Event Espresso – Permissions Version 1.5.5.p
Event Espresso – Recurring Events Version 1.1.9.p

I noticed that in the instructions linked above, it mentions: “Deactivate your version of Event Espresso 3 through the plugins screen. Then click on Add New and then search for Event Espresso 3 lite in the search field. Then click on Install Now and confirm. Afterwards click on Activate. Then immediately return to the Plugins screen and deactivate and delete Event Espresso 3 Lite.”

It appears that Event Espresso 3 Lite is no longer available, so we can’t do this step. I also tried do this step, substituting Event Espresso 4 Decaf for Event Espresso 3 Lite, thinking that that might be the EE4 equivalent, but it still didn’t work.

In any event, after we do the upgrade, our old/existing data from EE3 is not showing up in EE5.

Can you help?



  • Support Staff

January 28, 2025 at 4:34 pm

Hi there,

So the reason the instructions mention to install EE3 lite is to make sure your using the latest EE3 database schema, if you were on an older version of EE3 then installing EE3 lite would update your database to the latest schema ready for migration.

You’re already on the latest schema with your current version so you can go directly from to EE5.

In any event, after we do the upgrade, our old/existing data from EE3 is not showing up in EE5.

So when you activate EE5, you don’t see any events and your are not offer the chance to migrate your data over? Is that correct?

If so, it means that EE4/5 was likey activated previously and either the data migrated then or when it was initially activated the option to NOT migrate the data over was selected (migrates are only offered on the initial activation of EE4).

Theres a solution for this but first I just want to confirm what I asked above is correct?

Also… before moving forward from here make sure you have a working backup of the site as it is now. If you don’t, create one! One option is using Updraft but you can use whichever method you prefer as long as you create a backup of the database at a minimum.

william Kaczor

January 29, 2025 at 1:03 pm

Thanks for your quick reply.

You’re already on the latest schema with your current version so you can go directly from to EE5.

Ok, good to know, thanks!

So when you activate EE5, you don’t see any events and your are not offer the chance to migrate your data over? Is that correct?

Yes, this was my experience.

If so, it means that EE4/5 was likey activated previously and either the data migrated then or when it was initially activated the option to NOT migrate the data over was selected (migrates are only offered on the initial activation of EE4).

So we just upgraded our license from EE3 to EE5 about 2 weeks ago. I’m the only one who would have tried to do the upgrade. I definitely didn’t have the events after the upgrade and I didn’t see an option to migrate the old data, which I was looking out for, but maybe I missed something.

Theres a solution for this but first I just want to confirm what I asked above is correct?

So I think what you said above is correct; is there something I should reset before I try to upgrade again so that I am given the option to migrate the data?

Yes, we do have a backup of the site database and files.



  • Support Staff

January 29, 2025 at 2:34 pm

So what you should be able to do is reset EE5 back to a clean activation and then the migrations should trigger. You may be better off testing this on a development copy of the site first as fixing migrations issues is much easier when you can work through them separately away from the live site and apply fixes which then run without any issues on the live site when its time.

Deactivate EE3.

Activate EE5.

Go to Event Espresso -> Maintenace -> Reset/Delete Data tab.

Click on the ‘Permanently Delete ALL Event Espresso Data’ button.

(Note – that will reset your EE4/5 data and NOT your EE3 data)

Then reactivate EE5 again, does it trigger the migration for you then?

william Kaczor

January 29, 2025 at 3:54 pm

Yes, thanks so much!

I did as you described, and upon reactivating EE5 I found the migration process with no problem. I have no idea what happened (or didn’t happen) before.

The data migration did work, though with some warnings.

We got a bunch of warnings similar to these examples:
“Could not find primary attendee’s new transaction…”
“Could not find 4.1 question group id for 3.1 question group #0.”
“Could not get a country because country name is blank for venue”
“Could not find 4.1 event id for 3.1 event #5.”
“Could not create image attachment from non-existent file”
“Could not update event image”

Several of these seem like they are no big deal, but others I am not sure about.
Do you think any of these warnings is a significant cause for concern?



  • Support Staff

January 29, 2025 at 4:13 pm

Unless there’s a fatal error (which would halt the migration), generally, those can be ignored.

They are there for reference and basically saying “Couldn’t find X so did Y”.

Run through a few event, registrations, contacts and confirm the details are all as your would expect and your should be fine.

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