
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Upgraded to 4.5 Broke Checkout Page

Upgraded to 4.5 Broke Checkout Page

Posted: February 3, 2015 at 5:52 pm

Susan Perry

February 3, 2015 at 5:52 pm

We upgraded our Event Espresso from to EE 4.5 and while testing the checkout page now does not render the checkout short code anymore. We reverted WordPress using a backup. Any ideas on how to resolve this so we can use the new EE 4.5?

Susan Perry

February 3, 2015 at 5:53 pm

I forgot to include that I disabled all plugins and switched to the WordPress twenty thirteen theme and the checkout page still wouldn’t show. During the migration we received the following warning:

Could not find payment method with PMD_type = ‘0’ when migrating payment row {“PAY_ID”:”117″,”TXN_ID”:”127″,”STS_ID”:”PAP”,”PAY_timestamp”:”2015-01-10 01:26:00″,”PAY_method”:”0″,”PAY_amount”:”5.650″,”PAY_gateway”:”0″,”PAY_gateway_response”:””,”PAY_txn_id_chq_nmbr”:””,”PAY_po_number”:””,”PAY_extra_accntng”:”127-46-1-929cb1-0″,”PAY_via_admin”:”1″,”PAY_source”:null,”PMD_ID”:null,”PAY_redirect_url”:null,”PAY_redirect_args”:null} so just assigned it an unknown payment method


  • Support Staff

February 4, 2015 at 3:31 am

Hi Susan,

That warning is basically saying EE did not recognise the payment method that was selected for that payment, so its assigning it to unknown, it should not have caused any issues but I will check with out developers to be sure.

When you migrated to 4.6 did you run through all of the migrations?

There should be 2 steps to the migration process.

Just to be clear the registration checkout page displayed [ESPRESSO_CHECKOUT]?

Susan Perry

February 4, 2015 at 4:14 pm

Hi Tony,

I completed both migration steps. I also confirmed that the [ESPRESSO_CHECKOUT] shortcode was indeed added to the page. I even removed it, saved then went in and added it again, then saved the page again. No luck.

Susan Perry

February 4, 2015 at 4:16 pm

Would it help if I clone the site to another server, run the migration again, and provide access for you to play around with it?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

February 4, 2015 at 4:23 pm

Hi, could you update to 4.6.1?

Then go to the registration checkout page with the shortcode and ensure that it is published.


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