
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Upgrade Problems Re-Opened

Upgrade Problems Re-Opened

Posted: July 24, 2024 at 5:55 am

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Ryan Woodman

July 24, 2024 at 5:55 am

Thread marked resolved so re-opened here. Upgraded using instructions provided and it seemed to go fine. Upon inspection this morning, there are about six registrations and their corresponding transactions that are broken “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.” Events entries are fine. It looks like there was some corruption during the migration process.

Can you please go in using the credentials given and see what’s going on?

Ryan Woodman

July 24, 2024 at 7:22 am

I reverted back to pre-upgrade. In looking at the database after migration, there were 15 attendees whose IDs were now “0” and registrations that had no contact information attached. Please run and test. Most of the corrupted data was with the most recent class but there were a few from earlier as well.


  • Support Staff

July 24, 2024 at 8:07 pm

Thread marked resolved so re-opened here.

What thread is that? can you paste the link here?

There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.
Do you have the log for this?

It looks like there was some corruption during the migration process.
Are you moving from EE3 to EE5? Can you give us the EE3 backup you have, ill try to update that on my Local machine and try to catch the error you experience.


Ryan Woodman

July 26, 2024 at 6:21 am

here is the thread –

The critical error was with event espresso. I had people that needed to register so I reverted to when it was stable. There is a backup on the site from before (7/22) and after but it would be easiest to take a new backup since there are now new registrations.

We have been running the plugin for many years through all the upgrades from when it was Seth simply called it event manager. Was on 4.9+ before but cant get the migration to 5 to work. A user/pw was provided in the other thread. I deactivated all plugins before the migration and it appeared to work but the resultant data was bad.

When I took a peek in the database, recent registrations that may have been unsuccessful created a attendee ID of 0. Several older registrations were changed to id of 0. When I looked at the attendees through EE, it said critical error on each and address card does not match. They also were not attached to the event they were scheduled for.


  • Support Staff

July 29, 2024 at 3:56 pm

I deactivated all plugins before the migration and it appeared to work but the resultant data was bad.

In this situation, this part doesn’t really make sense, well, more so this:

When I took a peek in the database, recent registrations that may have been unsuccessful created a attendee ID of 0. Several older registrations were changed to id of 0. When I looked at the attendees through EE, it said critical error on each and address card does not match. They also were not attached to the event they were scheduled for.

The reason this part doesn’t make sense is because the migration that runs between version 4.10.45.p and 5.0.XX is purely based on the venue date, it doesn’t touch the registration data at all.

Here is the migration query running:

protected function _migrate_old_row($old_row): ?bool
    $EVT_ID =
            ? absint($old_row['EVT_ID'])
            : 0;
    $VNU_ID =
            ? absint($old_row['VNU_ID'])
            : 0;
    if ($EVT_ID && $VNU_ID) {
        global $wpdb;
        // If the question group was also for primary attendees, we should just update that row.
        // And we delete this row.
        $result = $wpdb->update(
            ['VNU_ID' => $VNU_ID],  // data
            ['EVT_ID' => $EVT_ID],  // where
            ['%d'],                 // data format
            ['%d']                  // where format
        return filter_var($result, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
    return false;

In English, grab the EVT_ID and VNU_ID from esp_event_venue (a separate database table for storing venue relations) and add that to to esp_event_meta (a ‘meta’ table for EE data).

So it reads from a table completely unrelated to registrations and writes to table completely unrelated to registrations.

Now, I’m not sitting here saying that you are mistaken and it didn’t happen (it obviously did) but something else is going on there other than the migration as the query is completely unrelated to registrations.

I’ve downloaded the backup from Updraft for the 22nd, then created a new database backup and imported that database locally…. then ran the migration. Initially, I got a fatal error but that is from the custom PayJunction payment method active on the site as it needs to be updated to be compatible with the latest versions of Event Espresso.

But on checking the data within the database, those incomplete registrations (the ones with ATT_ID = 0) are already present within the database before the migration run from Jul 2nd.

So right now, I think the error you were getting when loading the Transactions was either from the PayJunction payment method fatals I mentioned above, or PayJunction wasn’t active and the transaction was looking for it to display details about it.

Ryan Woodman

August 1, 2024 at 10:33 am

Thanks. I will need to speak with payjunction then, I guess. For now I will stay on the previous version until this is solved since we have all of our payment plans with them. Is there a link to the older promotions addon so I can keep that working in the meantime? Is there a process or point of contact that payjunction can follow to make sure they properly correct their payment plugin?


  • Support Staff

August 6, 2024 at 8:48 am

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