
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Upgrade and Paypal Functionality

Upgrade and Paypal Functionality

Posted: December 4, 2012 at 4:58 pm

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Matt Minten

December 4, 2012 at 4:58 pm

I recently upgraded my plugin and the paypal integration does not work. Basically when I go from our site to PayPal, make a payment and come back it is showing as unpaid.

I have changed some of the code in the plugin to change how it looks when people see the event list and the registration page for each event. Did the upgrade change anything in event_list_display.php or registration_page_display.php?

Is there another reason that the link between paypal payment and the event registration plugin will not show the attendee as paid?




  • Support Staff

December 4, 2012 at 5:11 pm

The problem is likely with the files that have the customizations you’ve made. Please try running a test with the /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates directory renamed to something like /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates-old so they do not override the core Event Espresso templates.

Matt Minten

December 4, 2012 at 5:56 pm

I did that and it didn’t change anything (except the templates). I then re-downloaded the latest version and uploaded it to my site (overwriting the old plugin files). I made sure that the template files in uploads were still renamed and not connected to the plugin.

At the bottom you can see my debug output. Now when I try it I get the following error via email as well (all info from my paypal sandbox info is fake):

Instant Payment Notification – Gateway Variable Dump

An instant payment notification failed
from on 12/04/2012 at 4:44 PM


mc_gross: 353.00

protection_eligibility: Ineligible

address_status: confirmed


payer_id: 4K5997R6MAENA

tax: 0.00

address_street: 1 Main St

payment_date: 16:44:47 Dec 04, 2012 PST

payment_status: Pending

charset: windows-1252

address_zip: 95131

mc_shipping: 0.00

mc_handling: 0.00

first_name: Matthew

address_country_code: US

address_name: Matthew Minten

notify_version: 3.7


payer_status: verified

address_country: United States

num_cart_items: 1

mc_handling1: 0.00

address_city: San Jose

verify_sign: AhGTk4yrXGXo5oSYDOTrhtXkpzN9AxCg621bVLy4D4l7sP0D8U1HqSXa


mc_shipping1: 0.00

tax1: 0.00

txn_id: 1K862651YD3389118

payment_type: instant

last_name: Last

address_state: CA

item_name1: By PayPal for Sample Volleyball Tournament. Attendee: Matthew Last


quantity1: 1

pending_reason: unilateral

txn_type: cart

mc_gross_1: 353.00

mc_currency: USD

residence_country: US

test_ipn: 1

transaction_subject: Shopping CartBy PayPal for Sample Volleyball Tournament. Attendee: Matthew Minten

payment_gross: 353.00

ipn_track_id: e23f528f67605

debug output
Field Name Value
address1 PO Box 183
amount_1 353.00
charset utf-8
city Reno
cmd _cart
currency_code USD
first_name Matthew
item_name_1 By PayPal for Sample Volleyball Tournament.
Attendee: Matthew Last
last_name Last
no_shipping 0
quantity_1 1
rm 2

upload 1
zip 89504


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2012 at 1:17 pm

Hi Matt,

Here’s what can help:

1) You can install the simplified transactions page template:

2) You can check for any files in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways. If there are files there, you can deactivate the PayPal gateway, remove the files there, and reactivate the PayPal gateway.

3) If you have any Event Espresso add-ons (like groupons/social coupons) please be sure these are on the latest version. The latest version of the groupon/social coupons add-on is 1.5.3.

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