
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Update of SagePay urls to Opayo

Update of SagePay urls to Opayo

Posted: January 15, 2024 at 7:43 am

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Rowans Hospice

January 15, 2024 at 7:43 am

Hi. We received the below email from SagePay regarding their change to Opayo – will any urls within the Events Expresso plugin change from Sagepay to Opayo before the SagePay change deadline? If you could kindly confirm – or if they are able to be set in the plugin if you could kindly advise where that would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Please see below email from SagePay/Opayo:

Following the updates earlier this year with the Opayo gateway becoming a payment product under the Elavon brand; we wanted to let you know about further exciting changes.  
Opayo has been a key member of the Elavon family for over three years now, and as we continue with the integration into Elavon we will soon make updates to the URLs you use for your transactions and reporting.
What does this mean?
The URLs you use to send transactions to Opayo will be changing to an Elavon domain and you need to make the changes to send your transactions to the updated URLs. 
These changes must be made by 31st March 2024, this is when the SagePay URLs will cease to work.
We’ve already added these updated URL’s to our Developer Hub to help you make the changes, you can find the URLs specific to your integration below:
Pi integration
Direct integration
Form integration
Server integration
Shared API
If you’re using a shopping cart provider speak with them directly regarding this to make the relevant updates.
Important information
The HTTP standard of all headers is lower case with the new URLs, be aware of this if you have specific code to look for case sensitivity. 
We recommend using domain names instead of hard code, if you have hard-coded an IP address in your website or shopping cart you’ll need to update this also. 
Flush DNS cache (local) or Internet Service Provider (ISP) may cache DNS records. In this case, you will need to speak directly with your ISP to ensure you have the most up-to-date DNS records.
You will need to ensure the new URLs are whitelisted and any firewall rules you have in place have been updated. 
If you have implemented a content security policy you will also need to update this.
As always, we recommend testing any changes you make in your testing environment before implementing them to production.
Upgrade your protocol version 
When making these updates take this opportunity to upgrade to our latest protocol version.
Following previous communication on 31st January 2024 we are retiring protocol version 2.22 and 2.23, this would be a great opportunity to upgrade to our latest protocol version ensuring your transaction are processed compliantly and you have access to all the latest features that Opayo have introduced.
We’re here to help
For advice on making the relevant changes please contact your account manager, or contact support directly at or 0191 313 0299.

Opayo by Elavon Team

Rowans Hospice

January 16, 2024 at 7:57 am

Did the above all make sense? And assume is applicable to Events Expresso Plugin as utilises SagePage and assume the protocol version update is applicable?


  • Support Staff

January 17, 2024 at 6:11 am

Hi there,

Thank you for posting this, it does indeed make sense.

I’ve opened a discussion with our developers to confirm and see what needs to be updated.

Rowans Hospice

January 23, 2024 at 10:19 am

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  • Support Staff

January 31, 2024 at 7:47 pm

Hi there,

We are currently investigating the changes needed for the payment method, the docs site for elavon seems a bit hit and miss on what it will and will not load.

May I ask, which SagePay integration are you using?

Direct or Server?

Rowans Hospice

February 5, 2024 at 9:53 am

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  • Support Staff

February 6, 2024 at 9:40 am

Thank you.

We’ve been investigating the changes required and it looks like we need to update the URL’s and alter the query parameters slightly.

We have a ticket to implement those into the add-on, however, testing SagePay is/was a little tricky as they don’t provide sandbox accounts as such, they allow accounts to use either Live or Sandbox but still need to be a valid account (which we don’t have right now).

Would you be interested in testing the changes? I can send a copy over once done.

We will obviously be investigating if the above is still the case and request a dev/testing account from Opayo but if you’d like to test in the meantime I’ll happily send a copy over once done.

Rowans Hospice

February 14, 2024 at 4:16 am

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Rowans Hospice

February 14, 2024 at 4:56 am

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  • Support Staff

February 15, 2024 at 7:03 pm

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  • Support Staff

February 19, 2024 at 7:37 am

Hi there,

Just wondering if the update worked for you?

Rowans Hospice

February 28, 2024 at 4:57 pm

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  • Support Staff

February 28, 2024 at 6:19 pm

Awesome, please do let me know if you run into any issues.

Rowans Hospice

February 29, 2024 at 8:59 am

We have integrated and tested and this appeared to all work fine thank you. The client received the payment and we can see the new urls in the website so all appears to be fine.


  • Support Staff

February 29, 2024 at 2:47 pm

Great, thank you for confirming.

We’ll package up an update for the add-on shortly an get it pushed out.

Andrew Knutt

March 1, 2024 at 4:15 am

I was going to post a forum question about this and don’t know nothing about URL’s via Sagepay, or how to test, but can I assume that the latest updates to EE Sagepay plugin has cured this issue?

Andrew Knutt

March 1, 2024 at 4:15 am

I was going to post a forum question about this and don’t know nothing about URL’s via Sagepay, or how to test, but can I assume that the latest updates to EE Sagepay plugin has cured this issue?

Andrew Knutt

March 1, 2024 at 4:15 am

I was going to post a forum question about this and don’t know nothing about URL’s via Sagepay, or how to test, but can I assume that the latest updates to EE Sagepay plugin has cured this issue?


  • Support Staff

March 1, 2024 at 9:06 am

Hi there,

We haven’t pushed the update for the Sage pay addon live just yet, but yes, the next update fixes the URLs and youll just need to update.

We’ll also be updating the name of the addon to match.

Andrew Knutt

March 2, 2024 at 2:18 am

Thanks guys.


  • Support Staff

March 4, 2024 at 6:28 pm

Thank you. We will update you once it is available.

thanks again.

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