
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Update a registration with the admin profile ?

Update a registration with the admin profile ?

Posted: September 13, 2012 at 2:51 pm

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September 13, 2012 at 2:51 pm


Is it possible to manually update a registration and change registrations infos of an user with the admin profile (without having to log out / log in instead of he or she) ?

(I know that I can delete registration with the admin profile, but I’d like to be able to change infos, add registrations, etc)

Thanks !


September 14, 2012 at 12:33 am


If you go to Event overview, hover your mouse over an event and then click Attendees, it will take you to a list of all the registered attendees for that event, you can edit them from there.


September 14, 2012 at 7:31 am

Thanks for you answer ! But, I don’t get it, when I click on an attendee, I have this :


Besides update payment or delete the subscription, what can I do ?
Can I an add a new registration to an event for the person without having to connect myself in place of her ?


September 17, 2012 at 7:23 am


Well that is the correct page where you amend a registrants details.

Perhaps I didnt understand your question clearly. IF you are trying to edit the details of someone that registered for an event, then that is the correct place to do it.

If the registrant has signed up to the wrong event, you will need to get them to sign up to the new one themselves or you can do it by clicking an events attendee link and clicking the add new attendee link at the top of the page.


September 21, 2012 at 1:49 pm

Thanks your answer was exactly what I was looking for ! 🙂

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