
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Unable to send Newsletters to attendees

Unable to send Newsletters to attendees

Posted: August 23, 2016 at 12:24 pm

Viewing 31 reply threads


August 23, 2016 at 12:24 pm

When trying to send newsletters to attendees, we are continually getting this error:
“An error has occurred:
A database error has occurred. Turn on WP_DEBUG for more information.”

When inspecting the information window within Message Activity, we get the following error:
“Message failed to generate for the following reasons:
There is no generation data for this message. Unable to generate.”

Here is a screen shot of the Message Activity Window:


  • Support Staff

August 23, 2016 at 12:28 pm

Hi there,

It looks like the message had not been generated yet, and the reason it hasn’t bee generated yet is because those get added to a schedule and get generated later. Have you tried waiting for a bit after you send the newsletter?


August 23, 2016 at 12:33 pm

Interesting, why does it show in the failed column then? Also there isn’t anything listed in any of the qued columns


  • Support Staff

August 24, 2016 at 4:06 am

If it’s in the failed column then it has tried to generate and failed.

When you get this error:

“An error has occurred:
A database error has occurred. Turn on WP_DEBUG for more information.”

Are you sending a single newsletter or multiple?

If you click on the ‘i’ shown in the actions section of your screenshot about what does the message show there?

Have you enabled WP_DEBUG to see which error message is being thrown?


August 24, 2016 at 5:25 pm

I am attempting to send an email to 1-300 previous attendees. Essentially a reminder that they can purchase season tikcets.


August 24, 2016 at 5:40 pm

Clicking on the gear next to message failure gives me this error:

The EE_Message_Registrations_incoming_data class expects an array of EE_Registration objects. EE_Messages_Registrations_incoming_data – __construct – 27


August 25, 2016 at 1:26 pm

Can I please get some help on this? We are loosing valuable time because I cannot email our former ticket holders…

Also update EE to 4.9.9 and the problem still persists.

Of note, all new registrations are being notified properly.


  • Support Staff

August 26, 2016 at 4:19 am

Regarding this message:

Clicking on the gear next to message failure gives me this error:
The EE_Message_Registrations_incoming_data class expects an array of EE_Registration objects. EE_Messages_Registrations_incoming_data – __construct – 27

There is no gear icon in the screenshot for the newsletter message you posted:

What does it show when you click the ‘i’ for that message?

Can you post the full steps you are taking to send the newsletter message please?

I am attempting to send an email to 1-300 previous attendees. Essentially a reminder that they can purchase season tikcets.

How many registrations have you selected at once to send the message that is failing? I’m wondering if there is a timeout while pulling in all of the information if you are selecting large batches of registrations to trigger the message for.

If you send the newsletter to a single registrant does it work then? For example if you add your own test registration to the event and send the newsletter to that, does it send?


August 26, 2016 at 6:21 pm

Process for 100% failure:
-select attendees to send message
-click send “Send Batch Messages”
-Send batch message
-Select Template “weekly email”
-clicks send
-this error occurs
-Click on Messages button in event espresso control panel and this is show
-Clicking on the Info button shows this:

I will test the smaller amount of users.


  • Support Staff

August 27, 2016 at 4:42 am

How many registrations did you select to throw that error?

If you enable WP_DEBUG on the site and retest it should show the full error message being thrown which will help narrow it down.

It looks like the query to pull all of the registrations before passing them over to the messages system if failing, which means the message has no data to use to generate the message and throws an error.


August 27, 2016 at 2:58 pm

I selected 170.

WP_DEBUG is enabled.

How can we fix this? I’ve already submitted credentials to our site, can you please help asap?


August 27, 2016 at 3:05 pm

Just attempted with 50 selected and it failed again.


  • Support Staff

August 29, 2016 at 4:04 pm

Were you able to get the full error message?


August 29, 2016 at 4:08 pm

WE’ve given you every error and screen shot we can find. We’ve also submitted login information for you to login to our site. We really need this fixed as soon as possible.


  • Support Staff

August 29, 2016 at 5:23 pm

You can find the full error message in the wp-content/debug.log file of your site. We’re not able to access that file with the credentials that you sent to us, because no FTP credentials were included with the form you sent.


August 29, 2016 at 5:27 pm

What is the link to submit credentials? I will get you the ftp creds asap…


August 29, 2016 at 5:39 pm

Nevermind, found them. Resubmitted both sftp and wp credentials.


  • Support Staff

August 30, 2016 at 4:09 am

Turns out WP_DEBUG was disabled on the site so there’s nothing useful within the log.

WP_DEBUG_LOG is enabled, but that does nothing if WP_DEBUG is false –

It looks like you’ve defined WP_DEBUG to true at the end of the file, however at that point its already been defined so your code will be ignored. I’ve removed the additional WP_DEBUG as it causes notices to be thrown but when defining constants or making any changes to wp-config you want to always be above the line that says /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

I have fixed the above and enabled WP_DEBUG so that the errors thrown should be logged, can you retest the registrations you tried previously please. I tested a single Newsletter message to myself and that worked fine.

Side note, allow_url_fopen is disabled on your server:

[Tue Aug 30 03:40:03.766532 2016] [:error] [pid 26262] [client] PHP Warning: getimagesize(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0

That prevents the images (and styles) from loading on your PDF’s. If you download the PDF invoice and you’ll see the problem, to fix it you’ll need to contact your host and have them enable allow_url_fopen on your site.


August 30, 2016 at 10:56 am

Tony, you are an early riser… Love it!

Here is what showed up after you corrected my wp_debug error:

An EE_Error exception was thrown! code: EEM_Base – _do_wpdb_query – 1919
“WPDB Error occurred, but no error message was logged by wpdb! The wpdb method called was “insert” and the arguments were “array ( 0 => ‘wp_esp_extra_meta’, 1 => array ( ‘OBJ_ID’ => 536, ‘EXM_type’ => ‘Message’, ‘EXM_key’ => ‘MSG_generation_data’, ‘EXM_value’ => ‘a:190:{i:2419;O:15:”EE_Registration”:8:{s:42:”‘ . “\0” . ‘*’ . “\0″ . ‘_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor”;a:16:{s:6:”REG_ID”;s:4:”2419″;s:6:”EVT_ID”;s:5:”10822″;s:6:”ATT_ID”;s:4:”7453″;s:6:”TXN_ID”;s:5:”44319″;s:6:”TKT_ID”;s:3:”137″;s:6:”STS_ID”;s:3:”RAP”;s:8:”REG_date”;s:19:”2015-08-16 19:18:00″;s:15:”REG_final_price”;s:6:”15.000″;s:8:”REG_paid”;s:6:”15.000″;s:11:”REG_session”;s:32:”1d88100192b3842803ddddc281378c2d”;s:8:”REG_code”;s:16:”44319-137-1-5dd6″;s:12:”REG_url_link”;s:34:”1-5dd6bc0d2a3116559a6130b5f172ec3a”;s:9:”REG_count”;s:1:”1″;s:14:”REG_group_size”;s:1:”1″;s:16:”REG_att_is_going”;s:1:”0″;s:11:”REG_deleted”;s:1:”0″;}s:12:”‘ . “\0” . ‘*’ . “\0″ . ‘_timezone”;s:14:”America/Denver”;s:11:”‘ . “\0” . ‘*’ . “\0″ . ‘_dt_frmt”;s:6:”F j, Y”;s:11:”‘ . “\0” . ‘*’ . “\0″ . 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August 30, 2016 at 10:58 am

It goes on for pages, but only pasted the first page….


August 30, 2016 at 11:02 am

Sorry, it pasted the wrong text.

Here is a link to the text file:


August 30, 2016 at 11:03 am

Can you delete my entry at 11:01 AM?


August 30, 2016 at 11:05 am

Final note: our ISP has updated the setting to: allow_url_fopen=1


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2016 at 7:56 am

Can you delete my entry at 11:01 AM?


So the above is being caused by the amount of registrations your generating the batch email for in one go, you need to break down the selection into smaller groups of say 30.

As you can see from the amount of info (that’s the message details being generated for each individual message) theres a lot going on when you trigger that batch email and your server can’t keep up.

Reduce the batch selection down and trigger one group, then the next and so so the messages are generated in in smaller groups and it should work fine.


August 31, 2016 at 11:16 am

Is this really the solution? We moved to a dedicated server this summer and even on our virtual server we never had this restriciton….


  • Support Staff

August 31, 2016 at 11:41 am

For the time being yes.

I have created a ticket to investigate further but as you need to get your newsletter out asap the solution is to send in smaller batches.


September 1, 2016 at 11:07 am


Thanks for your help, we were successful! However, I spent the entire night parsing through the 1118 registrants in groups of 30 to do so. Hopefully this can be corrected somehow.

Should I leave this ticket open or closed?


  • Support Staff

September 2, 2016 at 4:36 am

Great 🙂

We have a ticket open for this to be investigated with a note to update this thread with any feedback, it can be closed and we can reopen it when needed.


September 3, 2016 at 11:54 am

Ok! Thanks.


  • Support Staff

October 5, 2016 at 12:28 pm

There’s a fix for the issue reported here, and it’s included in Event Espresso 4.9.16.p.


October 5, 2016 at 12:30 pm

Josh, thanks for the update.

I was just prompted for 4.9.15, is 4.9.16 availble? Or is a beta?


October 5, 2016 at 12:31 pm

Nevermind, I found the download. Our site hasn’t been notified yet. Thanks!

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