
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Unable to Process Payments (Vanco Gateway)

Unable to Process Payments (Vanco Gateway)

Posted: April 16, 2024 at 8:06 am

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April 16, 2024 at 8:06 am

Hi Everyone,
We have been using Event Espresso with Vanco since 2020. Until this month (April 2024) we have never had any issues. All of a sudden I am getting multiple errors when people try to purchase tickets. One was “blocked IP” for everyone. I called Vanco and resolved this. Then the error became “user not found” (but we don’t require people to have an account). I have check for all relative updates, cleared the cache, and checked for deprecations. It does say there are deprecatiosn on the page but they aren’t logging in jQuery for me to assess them.

Any thoughts?

WordPress Version: 6.5.2

PHP Version: 8.1.27

MySQL Version: 10.6.17

Event Espresso Version: 5.0.19.p

WordPress Address (URL):

Site address (URL):


  • Support Staff

April 17, 2024 at 5:36 pm

Hi there,

Those errors are likely coming directly from Vanco rather than Event Espresso.

One was “blocked IP” for everyone.

This one I’ve had before, its directly from Vanco. They require your set the IP address of the server making the payment requests within your Vanco account, it sounds like you’ve done this but just that I’ve worked through it previously so can say 100% that’s directly from Vanco themselves.

Then the error became “user not found” (but we don’t require people to have an account).

You saw a user not found error when you clicked to make a payment? If so, that’s going to be directly from Vanco again.

If its thrown after you click to pay then a request is sent to Vanco’s servers to make the payment, if they are returning a user not found error on that request that is what will be displayed.

The fact that you randomly started to get ‘blocked IP’ means that either… your servers IP address changed and just needed to be updated within Vanco, OR something on Vancos side changed. The fact you THEN got ‘User not found’ after contacting them an (presumably?) they updated the IP on the account suggests something changed on Vancos end to cause this.

Double check your Vanco Client ID, User ID, Password and Encryption key are all set correctly within the Vanco payment method (Event Espresso -> Payment methods -> Vanco). You may need to contact Vanco to confirm those details if you don’t have them.

We haven’t changed how the payment methods work in a long time, we also haven’t pushed an update for the Vanco payment method itself in a long time (that’s what controls the requests between Event Espresso on your site and Vanco) so need to confirm the basics are all set correctly here.


April 17, 2024 at 5:50 pm

Thank you. I’ve actually called Vanco twice now and they claim everything is accurate on their, with set up, and end nothing has changed. So at this point I might try another plug in to see if there’s any better luck. I’ve been at this for two weeks now.


  • Support Staff

April 17, 2024 at 6:26 pm

I’ve actually called Vanco twice now and they claim everything is accurate on their, with set up, and end nothing has changed.

In my experience, most payment providers state everything is working and nothing changed so it ‘must’ be something on the other end and then when clearly shown it’s not an external issue will refuse to acknowledge it.

I can check over the details within the Vanco payment method and look over the payment method logs to see if anything stands out there if you can send over temp login details:

However, I think it’s important to note that the symptoms you’ve mentioned so far sound like an issue with Vanco or your account. I know they are saying otherwise but that error is directly from their server’s response to the request.

Hopefully, the logs can shine a light on the situation.


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2024 at 4:31 am

Hi there,

I looked over the logs on the site and all of the entire/values I expect to be on those requests are already correctly set.

The way it works with Vanco is you first request a session using your credentials, they return a session_id from that request and you can use that on subsequent requests to identify who you are.

The session request sent by the add-on contains your client_id and password but Vanco return this:


errorlist=506 maps to ‘User not found’

Right now this all appears to be an issue with Vanco and you will need to contact them to have them investigate this further.

I’ll add the request being sent on the request in a private reply which you can then send to them.


  • Support Staff

April 18, 2024 at 4:44 am

This reply has been marked as private.


April 21, 2024 at 7:13 pm

Thank you so much! This was really helpful. I will work with Vanco and let them know it has been validated on your end.


  • Support Staff

April 21, 2024 at 9:58 pm

Awesome. Please keep us updated.

have a wonderful day.

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