
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Unable to login to mobile app and key is not currently activated on website

Unable to login to mobile app and key is not currently activated on website

Posted: September 24, 2021 at 12:51 pm

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September 24, 2021 at 12:51 pm

I am using a 2nd key in my account I purchased for new website and it shows a green key in the General Settings tab. I am now trying to log into the mobile app for scanning QR codes. I have the addon plugin installed and am able to get the ticket with those showing in testing.

When attempting to login on my phone through the mobile app I get an Credentials mismatch error. I went and reset my password and it looks as if that changed but I am still unable to login with my email/username and the new password.

When doing that I noticed that the key isn’t assigned to my domain. Is this part of the login error? This is a key I purchased awhile ago and just started using it earlier this month on the domain it is installed on – Is there somewhere else I need to assign it?

I am using EE version 4.10.7.rc.009 and just downloaded the iOS app for my Apple iPhone.


  • Support Staff

September 27, 2021 at 3:35 am

Hi there,

The license key error is not causing the above, the key is used for support and updates only. We intentionally designed Event Espresso not to be crippled/limited/any different with license key issues for multiple reasons. One of the main ones being that if had have we chose to do that, any issue on our side would then cripple your event registrations and that is not something we would be happy with.

So, whatever is going on with your key, it isn’t the cause of the issue here 🙂 having said that, let’s figure out what’s going on.

The first thing I notice is you are using a .RC build (release candidate) and that likely explains the issues with the license key as the license system doesn’t adding rc builds to domains (they are intended for testing, not production).

So my I ask why you are using 4.10.7.rc.009 over the latest release version (4.9.13.p currently)?

The most common cause for the credentials mismatch error is your host blocking the authorization header on the request.

What exact string are you using for the website URL in the app?


September 27, 2021 at 10:54 am

Good eye on the version. At one point I downloaded that version and for a development site and installed that forgetting it wasn’t the “core” install. I have changed that. I just downloaded the version on the download page and it is 4.10.13.p not 4.9.13.p as you wrote. Is that ok? It does show it is active on
My host is WP Engine and they are asking what header(s) should be added as there are no headers currently installed.
I am using my web address of URL. I have also tried adding in the https://


  • Support Staff

September 27, 2021 at 1:35 pm

I just downloaded the version on the download page and it is 4.10.13.p not 4.9.13.p as you wrote. Is that ok?

Yes, apologies, 4.9.xx on the brain is all 🙂

My host is WP Engine and they are asking what header(s) should be added as there are no headers currently installed.

Huh? Installing headers?

The only setup you need for WP Engine that I’m aware of is what we have listed here:

Any ‘security’ plugins active on the site?


September 27, 2021 at 4:10 pm

I questioned that too so I have contacted them again. We are not seeing any errors in logs so he was not aware of anything getting blocked. I had them make sure the pages in that link were not cached.

I don’t have any security plugins installed. I have just a few plugins installed including Gravity Forms, Ultimate Member and Monster Insights.


  • Support Staff

September 28, 2021 at 2:23 am

Can you send me temp login details so I can test this with the app? I can capture the requests to/from your server to see if anything stands out on those requests/responses.

You can send the details over using this form:


September 28, 2021 at 8:06 am

Sent as requested.


  • Support Staff

September 28, 2021 at 9:39 am

I’ve tested the credentials sent using both Android and iOS and don’t get any issues logging into the apps.

When do you see the mismatch error?

The string I’m using for the website URL is just

Leaving the app to work out everything it needs to from there.


September 28, 2021 at 11:25 am

That is great to know. I tried with the information I sent you and was able to login so there must be something to do with my user setup. I feel like it is an error on my end. My goodness. Thank you for your time and assistance. At least I know that you were able to login and that user works. I appreciate your help.


  • Support Staff

September 29, 2021 at 3:27 am

You’re most welcome, any further issues just let us know 🙂

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