
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Turn off payments completely

Turn off payments completely

Posted: August 27, 2013 at 5:48 am

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Christian Andersen

August 27, 2013 at 5:48 am

I only want our customers to register for courses on our Event Espresso form, and we will take care of the payment in our store. How can i turn this function off? I dont want the customer to get any message about payments.

(The current version of Event Espresso is WordPress 3,6)


August 27, 2013 at 6:13 am

Hi Christian,

There is currently a simple switch to turn off payments. You would need to do the following:

First off the events need to be free so set them with a price of 0.00.

Then add the following CSS to your themes style.css or a plugin such as My Custom CSS. This will hide the prices (or Free event messages in this case)

.event_price { 
display: none;
#event_espresso_attendee_verify tbody tr:nth-child(4) { 

Then its just a matter of checking the emails to make sure they have no mention of costs.

So in the General Settings email (which are site wide) remove all mentions of [event_price] etc.

If you are using the seating chart or ticketing add on things will get more complex, but the above will work fine for standard registrations.

Christian Andersen

August 27, 2013 at 6:17 am

Thank you for the response.

I want the price to show, because the course actuelly costs money. But, I dont want the customer to have to choose a payment method in registation, because we take care of all payments after the classes. Can that be done?


August 27, 2013 at 6:42 am


OK, well in that case, the best option would be to set up one of the “offline” gateways, thebest one is probably Money Order or Purchase Order, and modify the details in the Payment Settings so that it just provides a message about paying on the gate or similar.

You would need to hide some areas with CSS still

.event-display-boxes span,
#check-payment-option-form-dv .event_espresso_attention {display:none; }

The above CSS will hide the finalize your registration link though, so it may be better to modify the gateway file in that case.

Christian Andersen

August 27, 2013 at 7:18 am

Thank you! But I really hope there can be some other way to do this.. It would be great!

I just want the price to show in the Event list – but the customer dont have to agree/choose any kind of payment. I’ve tried to place the CSS-code in style.css but then the headlines went away on the Event List.

Any more help would be great, thank you. 🙂

.event-display-boxes span,
#check-payment-option-form-dv .event_espresso_attention {display:none; }


  • Support Staff

August 27, 2013 at 2:17 pm

Another thing that you could try is use the attendee pre-approval feature. It will allow you to capture the registration details and show the prices as it normally would, but instead of taking the customer to a page where they select a payment option they are taken to a confirmation screen that has a “Your registration is pending approval message”.

You can enable the attendee pre-approval feature by going to Event Espresso>General Settings and setting this option to Yes: Enable attendee pre-approval feature?

Then in the event editor there will be an option on the lower right side of the screen that will allow the event to be set to use the Pre-approval feature.

The Pending approval message can be customized by editing the pending_approval.php template, then copying it over to /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates to keep it from being overwritten on an update.

Sidney Harrell

August 27, 2013 at 2:19 pm

Hi Christian,
If you put a blank file in uploads/espresso/gateways/gateway_display.php it will prevent any gateways from loading. If you then copy plugins/event-espresso/templates/payment_page.php to uploads/espresso/templates, you can modify the payment page template to remove the “Your registration is not complete until payment is received” language, for example, and put in whatever message you would like the user to see on the payment page. Instructions to pay at the door, etc.

Christian Andersen

August 28, 2013 at 12:47 am

Hi Sidney!

That was a perfect solution! Thank you!! 🙂 Thanks to Josh and Dean for answers too.

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