
Home Forums Translations Translation Issue in German .po file

Translation Issue in German .po file

Posted: December 4, 2012 at 3:35 am

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Philipp Göllner

December 4, 2012 at 3:35 am

The german Translation is wrong at this site.

Is there a possibility to send you guys a pull request in your versioin controll system as i fixed this isse in the last tree versions in the PO file by my self and it is kind of annoing to do this every time the customer updates the plugin.

Greetings from munich



December 4, 2012 at 4:05 am

Hi Philipp,

Thanks for pointing that out. We rely on the community to help us with the language translations, and my German for one is quite limited (bits of Rammstein songs and well thats about it), so it is often hard for us to clarify that things are correct.

If you are ever interested in becoming a translator or translation validator for us, please fill out this form here. The more people that help, means the more accurate the translations will be

In the mean time I have logged the translation suggestion on GlotPress (our translation software) for future inclusion.

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