
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Tickets and Selector Issue

Tickets and Selector Issue

Posted: January 6, 2025 at 3:19 pm

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January 6, 2025 at 3:19 pm

In the backend, on the event creation screen, The option to assign tickets to an event is not there uless I choose the “Legacy Editor”

On the front end, the ticket selector is not visble unless I put the shortcode in the description. This just started happening all of a sudden.


  • Support Staff

January 7, 2025 at 2:29 pm

Hi there,

Can you tell me what changed “all of the sudden”? Meaning, did you update your server, plugins, themes, etc.?

Does the New Editor load?


February 12, 2025 at 8:48 am

Hello Gary,

I’m sorry that I didnt respond to you. I’m actually just seeing your response. I created a workaround outside of Event Espresso but I would really like to use Event Espresso.

To answer your question, I don’t know what happened. It was working fine and then it wasn’t. I don’t remember if I installed a plugin that made it not work. The New Ticket Editor doesn’t appear in the backend so I’m using the Legacy Editor right now.

After creating an event, the ticket selector doesn’t appear on the frontend unless I put the ticket shortcode in the description of the event.

Also on the frontend, my events are listed but there’s no information about when the tickets go on sale or when sales end. You can veiw this on my website now as the event is live


  • Support Staff

February 12, 2025 at 1:17 pm

Hi there,

To answer your question, I don’t know what happened. It was working fine and then it wasn’t. I don’t remember if I installed a plugin that made it not work. The New Ticket Editor doesn’t appear in the backend so I’m using the Legacy Editor right now.

That can be an issue with the sites Date/Time format in use.

Go to Dashboard -> Settings -> General.

What is set for ‘Date Format’ and ‘Time format’ there?

After creating an event, the ticket selector doesn’t appear on the frontend unless I put the ticket shortcode in the description of the event.

This usually means that something (generally the theme) is running the_content earlier than expected and now EE isn’t injecting the event details into the ‘main’ the_content call becuase it was called earlier.

For it to work and then suddenly not means ‘something’ changed, be it a plugin or theme update/change.

Looking at the event you linked to I can see the ticket selector so I assume that’s from you adding the shortcode to the description as you mentioned.

The fact that the date isn’t displayed after ‘Goes on sale’ also leads me to believe there is an issue wth the date/time format used on the site, so lets start with that.

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