
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Ticketing, Payment, and Registration Confirmations

Ticketing, Payment, and Registration Confirmations

Posted: August 20, 2013 at 11:12 pm

Kelly McKenzie

August 20, 2013 at 11:12 pm

Hi there,
I am trying to set my event up so that upon registering, an attendee will receive an email confirming their registration, reminding them to pay if they haven’t already. After payment, I want them to receive their ticket.

Currently, they receive a confirmation email and a ticket after registering, and a payment confirmation email after payment.
If I change the settings to “No” on the “Send registration confirmation emails before payment is received?” neither an email nor a ticket was received, and then after payment was submitted, the ticket was still not sent (only a payment confirmation email).

The current option is better than not receiving any confirmation- I will get so many emails of people not thinking they are registered if I don’t have at least something there. But really it would be better if they got the ticket email (which is a much better looking email anyway), after payment.
If my ideal can not happen, can I at least have it so that two registration confirmation emails aren’t sent out?



August 21, 2013 at 4:39 am

Hi Kelly,

What I would do is set it so that

Send registration confirmation emails before payment is received? is set to yes and

Send payment confirmation emails? is set to no.

Then I would add the [ticket_link] shortcode to the Payment Confirmation email and make sure it is not in the Registration Confirmation email.

That way they get a notice on registration, but only get access to the ticket when they receive the payment confirmation email after paying.

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