
Home Forums Community Forum Ticketing and bar scanning addons with EE4 License

Ticketing and bar scanning addons with EE4 License

Posted: November 21, 2014 at 4:22 am

Robert Ward

November 21, 2014 at 4:22 am

Hi there.

I have a license for EE4.

I’m a bit confused as what I need to get the ticketing and bar scanner addons.

A few question:

Do I need to purchase EE3 license to get addons and use on EE4?

How long before these addons are available for EE4?

What are your future plans with EE3?

It is my understanding that EE3 will be falling away all together eventually and if this is true, i’m asking myself, “Why get the EE3 licence, What will I benefit from this in the long term?
This link is confusing me:

Would you suggest I wait till it all comes available on EE4 or I’f I can get it now, what do I need to do?

Some guidance will be very much appreciated.



November 25, 2014 at 6:58 am


Currently the ticketing Pr Release Beta is only available to users who have purchased the Ticketing add on in EE3, so yes an EE3 licence would be required.

Please see here:

EE3 addons CANNOT be used on EE4, just so you know.

We are trying to make and release addons for EE4 as quickly as we can but just like EE4 itself, all the addons are being re-made from scratch so it will take time.

We are not planning on dropping support for EE3 any time soon, our broad timeline is 2 years down the road. That being said, active development has been transferred to EE4 so the likelihood of anything other than bug fixes being done to EE3 is small.

Personally I would wait until ticketing is available for EE4, and we will be adding it to so you can test it out (it isn’t on there yet, we will update the “18 things” blog post when it is).

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