
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Ticket Quantity to purchase/ Purchase different ticket options.

Ticket Quantity to purchase/ Purchase different ticket options.

Posted: June 29, 2012 at 8:47 am

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June 29, 2012 at 8:47 am

How do i add ticket quantity after somebody has picked a choice from a dropdown of ticket options?
Also, how do i make it so you can purchase different ticket options. IE, somebody wants to buy 2 Standard tickets and 2 VIP tickets for a total of 4 to be processed? Do i need a different add-on for this?


  • Support Staff

June 29, 2012 at 11:04 am

Hi jomo,

The first one is possible by allowing group registrations and setting a max group limit. Then set additional info to “no info required”.

The second one will be possible out of the box in Event Espresso 3.2 without any add-ons. For Event Espresso 3.1, you’ll need the Multi Event Registration add-on. That adds a cart option where if someone wants to select multiple ticket options within the same registration, they can go to the cart and select quantities of both types.

See this tutorial in the documentation for more info on how you can set this up:


June 29, 2012 at 11:13 am

Thanks for the quantity help -worked great!

I purchased the Multi-Event Registration –
So instead of having three ticket options for one event –
Do i create 3 events on the same day – but with different prices?
I like the idea of being able to add to cart – different ticket options and quantities.
So how would i show these three options on one page? with shortcode right?


  • Support Staff

June 29, 2012 at 11:33 am

You wouldn’t need to create separate events. If you already have your ticket options set up, you can simply add an add to cart link to the registration page by adding something like this to the event description for the event:

[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK direct_to_cart=1 anchor=”Select multiple ticket types” moving_to_cart=”Redirecting to cart…”]

You can optionally set the registration form to not display on the standard registration page as outlined in the tutorial.


June 29, 2012 at 11:44 am

ok i think i am set on this one.
I did purchase a premium support token – as i need a lil help wiring up the tickets and what they print.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by jomo.


  • Support Staff

June 29, 2012 at 12:01 pm

I just sent you a PM. Head over to your account page and we can go from there.

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