
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Ticket Notice (2)

Ticket Notice (2)

Posted: August 6, 2019 at 10:17 am

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Wassim Zeidan

August 6, 2019 at 10:17 am

I am now using EE3 but I am testing EE4 to replace it

I am having a problem with the Ticket Notice email when I have 2 registrant.

I configured the emails to be sent to [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_EMAIL] for the Primary Registrant and to [RECIPIENT_EMAIL] for the Registrant
I kept the ticket link in both versions. <strong><a href="[TXN_TICKETS_APPROVED_URL]">Print your ticket(s)</a>!</strong>

But when the emails are sent to the [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_EMAIL] & [RECIPIENT_EMAIL] and they click on the ticket link, it will take them to same ticket related to the Registrant

  • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Josh. Reason: wrapped html in back ticks, for clarity


  • Support Staff

August 6, 2019 at 10:31 am


This would be expected. May I ask what exactly are you trying to do differently with the ticket notice?

Wassim Zeidan

August 6, 2019 at 10:34 am

I need each one to receive his/her own ticket

Primary registrant to receive his ticket and the registrant to receive his ticket or else why there are a different version for each


  • Support Staff

August 6, 2019 at 10:58 am

The reason for providing different contexts is because some might want to send all tickets to the Primary registrant, send one ticket to the additional registrant, or some other variation.

You could change this:
<a href="[TXN_TICKETS_APPROVED_URL]">Print your ticket(s)</a>!

to this:
<a href="[RECIPIENT_TICKET_URL]">Print your ticket</a>!

and that will change the ticket URL so that each registrant gets only their ticket.

You might also want to deactivate the Primary Registrant context (to avoid sending the additional email to the Primary Registrant. The Primary Registrant will still get the “Registrant” context.

Wassim Zeidan

August 6, 2019 at 11:54 am

Hi Josh.

Yes. The primary registrant is receiving 2 emails regarding the tickets but in both emails, the link is taking him to the same ticket which is the one for the Registrant.


  • Support Staff

August 6, 2019 at 12:12 pm

Right, so if you want to change that so the Primary registrant only gets one email, you deactivate the Primary registrant context.

Wassim Zeidan

August 7, 2019 at 6:15 am

Hi Josh, I TXN_TICKETS_APPROVED_URL with RECIPIENT_TICKET_URL and deactivated the Primary Registrant context for it work as you said. But I want to draw into your attention that, as I mentioned before, the Registrant context was receiving two email notifications regarding both tickets but both links were showing the Registrant info on the ticket

One more thing, I purchased the Third-Party Add-on Price Modifier For Event Espresso 4 and I had to replace the [TICKET_PRICE] to [TOTAL_COST] to show the actual sum that was paid instead of just the ticket price but the font size is very big, I need to know how can I remove the (USD) from it, please check the SCREENSHOT

Wassim Zeidan

August 7, 2019 at 6:23 am

sorry I forgot to ask in my previous message, would it be possible to add a download PDF button to the ticket?


  • Support Staff

August 7, 2019 at 6:51 am

Hi there,

But I want to draw into your attention that, as I mentioned before, the Registrant context was receiving two email notifications regarding both tickets but both links were showing the Registrant info on the ticket

This is what you had earlier:

The primary registrant is receiving 2 emails regarding the tickets but in both emails, the link is taking him to the same ticket which is the one for the Registrant.

If you have both the Primary Registrant and Registrant contexts active on any message type, the Primary Registrant will receive both of those as the primary registrant is still a registrant.

From the above it sounds like it’s not the registrant context receiving 2 emails, it’s the Primary Registrant receive both the Primary Registrant email and the Registrant email which again, is expected with that set up.

One more thing, I purchased the Third-Party Add-on Price Modifier For Event Espresso 4 and I had to replace the [TICKET_PRICE] to [TOTAL_COST] to show the actual sum that was paid instead of just the ticket price but the font size is very big

This is on the ticket itself now, right?

The font size is coming from the span around the shortcode, switch the editor to text mode and remove the class="price" from the span around your shortcode –

Then save.

I need to know how can I remove the (USD) from it

To remove that you can use either of the two options mentioned in this thread:

Wassim Zeidan

August 11, 2019 at 2:59 am

Hi tony,

From the above it sounds like it’s not the registrant context receiving 2 emails, it’s the Primary Registrant receive both the Primary Registrant email and the Registrant email which again, is expected with that set up.

Nope, when I click on the print your ticket link, in both emails received by the Primary Registrant they take me to the Registrant ticket

Anyway, I used the suggested solution and it is working fine now.


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