
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium This request could not be authorized – again

This request could not be authorized – again

Posted: February 9, 2024 at 3:28 am

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February 9, 2024 at 3:28 am

HI when users are trying to make payment we are getting – This request could not be authorized

there is a warning in our cms – Event Espresso Square payment method failed the authorization health check! Please try to re-authorize (reconnect) for the Square payment method

However when we do this, it shows as the connection still being valid and clicking update refreshes the page and everything appears to be correct.

there are no further instructions on this and everything appear to be connected.

please advise…..


  • Support Staff

February 9, 2024 at 6:21 am

Hi there,

You’ll need to disconnect and reconnect to Square to fix this, so you’ll need the Square long details for this.

Go to Event Espresso -> Payment methods -> Square.

Click the button to disconnect.

Wait a few seconds for the request to process.

Click to connect to square.

A popup will show asking you to log into Square, follow the steps to connect again.


We’ve had reports from some users running into issues with Square refreshing their key. To explain a little when you do the above you receive an ‘auth_token’ from Square and at the same time they should also provide a ‘refresh_token’ which is used to refresh the token within 30 days. Some users are not getting a refresh_token which then means Square works for 30 days from the day it was connected and then stops, it can’t refresh so needs to be reauthorized using the above steps.

We have an open case with Square regarding this and they are investigating (there is no difference between my account connecting and yours, but then mine gets a refresh_token and yours doesn’t, so it’s likely an account issue we just don’t know where).

If you reconnect to Square using the above steps I can confirm if this is your issue if you can send temp login details over using this form:

To check this I need to install a couple of plugins and run some code on the site, once finished I’ll remove the plugins again.


February 13, 2024 at 2:29 am

Hi Tonya, have just sent over some logins for you on the website


  • Support Staff

February 13, 2024 at 5:04 am

Hi there,

I’ve just tried to log in to view the logs but it looks like to login credentials are invalid.

Can you recheck those, please?


February 14, 2024 at 3:08 am

Hi i have just sent over some updated dets, could you advise if it was wp admin, or FTP you could not access?

i have sent wp admin over again.


February 14, 2024 at 6:05 am

Hi there, it looks like the client now managed to reauth the connection, however this could cause to be problematic if needing to do this regularly.

are you / square any near to coming to a solution for this?


  • Support Staff

February 14, 2024 at 8:25 am

it looks like the client now managed to reauth the connection, however this could cause to be problematic if needing to do this regularly.

Looking at the logs for your latest Square connection it does have a refrsh_token so it ‘should’ refresh moving forward.

I can’t say for sure that it will do as I can’t tell if the refresh token was missing previously now, but I can send you a copy of the Suqare plugin that has all of the latest changes we’ve add to try and fix this to see if it helps (it has fixed it for some users but now others which is why I say this is an account issue).

We’ve been waiting for some kind of confirmation from Square before pushing it as a ‘live’ update but so far they’ve been really slow responding to this.

are you / square any near to coming to a solution for this?

Yes, we are working on it, but… we already follow the Square docs for auth tokens and they state that all auth tokens will be issued with a refresh_token. However, that’s not what we are seeing in practice and with no difference in the request for one account to the other, some get a refresh_token and others don’t.

So right now we are waiting on Square.

The latest version of the Square add-on I referenced above basically refactors the code to make sure we are using the latest API version and the requests conform to that (the current requests follow the API as is, but they’ve made updates and we’ve now followed to include the latest request vars etc, all of which “shouldn’t” matter).

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