I’m in the process of trying to update the individual “Attendee Ticket Fees” in “Edit Attendee Data” and get the error message. The Request Failed to Pass Security Check
We originally charged tax for our camps and now we aren’t. I issued refunds in PayPal and I want to go back and change the payment amount and the actual “Attendee Ticket Fee”. If it is a single attendee transaction there are no issues. However, if there are multiple kids registered for different camps, but paid for the camps with one payment, it only allows me to edit the “Primary Attendees” price. All others I get the error message. I tried logging out and back in and still won’t allow changes to the additional attendees.
How can this be done. It’s very important that the data match what the actually price and what was actually paid for the camp
This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.
We are working on a permanent fix for this, but as a temporary fix you can go into includes/admin-reports/edit_attendee_record.php and comment out line 61, so that it reads:
// wp_die( $failed_nonce_msg );
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