
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Thank you page not formatted on SIM

Thank you page not formatted on SIM

Posted: June 26, 2013 at 5:29 pm

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Carol Stambaugh

June 26, 2013 at 5:29 pm

I ran a test transaction and it appears the transaction went fine, but the page that showed up contained this url and the formatting is non-existent.  (Navigation shows as bulleted li, doesn’t look like it is pulling from the style sheet)

Have I missed a step in setting up the payment gateway. ( SIM)


Thank you,


  • Support Staff

June 26, 2013 at 6:03 pm

Hi Carol,

I don’t think you missed a step in setting up the payment gateway. This is what authSIM does: It tries to load elements from your site onto its receipt page. It’s receipt page is https, so in order for things like the stylesheet to load up from your site (the stylesheet adds the formatting that makes your site look nice). If your website’s domain does not have an SSL certificate installed, it will not be able to load up the stylesheet from your site.

If you contact your host about installing an SSL cert. for your domain in most cases they can get that done and you’ll have a nicely formatted Authnet receipt page.

Carol Stambaugh

June 26, 2013 at 8:21 pm

Thanks so much.  I thought since the payment gateway was being held offsite that I wouldn’t need the SSL and unfortunately we are hosting with WPEngine and to go up to the next level of hosting for them is an additional $70 per month.

If I go to the AIM is this still an issue?  If that helps, does the AIM mean that I now have to worry about PCI Compliance?

Thanks so much!


Carol Stambaugh

June 26, 2013 at 8:27 pm

I just activated the AIM to see if it would work and I got this error.


(TESTMODE) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.Response Code: 3
Response Subcode: 2


Is this really an error, or is this just the test mode message?



  • Support Staff

June 26, 2013 at 9:28 pm

Hi Carol,

Authnet AIM payments are taken on your site, so it’s generally recommended (in many cases required) to have SSL set up when using an onsite Payment option like Authorize.NET AIM.

The error message you are seeing may be from trying to run a test transaction with live credentials on the dev servers -or- on the live servers if your account is not set to test mode.

Carol Stambaugh

June 26, 2013 at 9:38 pm


Thank you so much for the information.  I am in a pinch with this client who waited to the very last minute to get their payment gateway and now I’m testing and having these issues come to surface.  🙁  The’ve already gotten their account and I hate to move them, but I would hate moving the site to a new host worse.  🙁  WPEngine charges $99 per month for hte service that includes SSL and they can’t afford that.  ARe there other payment gateways that will handle payment off site and will allow us to not have to get an SSL certificate.  (I don’t mind a certificate and would buy it in a heartbeat if only it were affordable with our host.  Any advice you can give is greatly appreciated.  I want to be secure so I don’t want to skimp and I will move them off of WPEngine if I have to.  I am trying to find the least painful answer that is still a good solid solution.

Thanks again for all of your help.



  • Support Staff

June 26, 2013 at 11:26 pm

PayPal standard, WePay, USAePay, and 2Checkout will do off-site payments and do not load the receipt page as https.

I like WPEngine overall, but it seems a bit pricy to charge what they do for SSL. We have some other hosting recommendations here:

Does WPEngine allow for a third party SSL certificate to be installed on the domain without going to their Pro plan? If so that would be a good option to look into as well.

Carol Stambaugh

July 3, 2013 at 2:39 pm

In the 6 days since I wrote this post, I have moved the site back to Hostgator (your preferred host and I like them too). We have installed an SSL certificate and have the static IP. The site is now live at and when I run a test transaction, the site at still comes up completely without any CSS styling. The links are all active and the header image shows up. I also get an accurate thank you telling me that the transaction went through. But the CSS style sheet isn’t loading so the page is an ugly white page with bulleted lists for the navigation.

On June 26th at around 6:00 pm, the post it says:

This is what authSIM does: It tries to load elements from your site onto its receipt page. It’s receipt page is https, so in order for things like the stylesheet to load up from your site (the stylesheet adds the formatting that makes your site look nice). If your website’s domain does not have an SSL certificate installed, it will not be able to load up the stylesheet from your site.

I have the SSL now installed. When I go to Payment Gateway Settings/AuthorizeSim, the REceipt url that it is pulling still pulls http:// not https://. The tool tip tells me that I can change that page in organization settings, but it only let’s me do the dropdown of the Thank You page and not change the http to an s.

By any chance, should lines 1 and 37 of my WP_Options table in the dbase have Is that where this change is needed?

Hoping so. Hoping I just answered my own technical support question. But before I do anything to the dbase, I’m going to send this along to make sure.

Thanks so much,


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2013 at 7:18 pm

Hi Carol,

Instead of changing this in the database, which could end up breaking things, there’s an option in the SIM Settings in Event Espresso>Payment settings that says “Force HTTPS on Return URL” that you can check which should make what you want happen.

Carol Stambaugh

July 3, 2013 at 7:25 pm

Booyah!!!! Thanks for sticking with me on it. It worked. Woohoooooo Thanks so much!

Sidney Harrell

July 3, 2013 at 7:31 pm

If you load the registration page in https, then the relay return url sent to is https, and the css loads. Try using the “force https on return page” setting in your EE payment settings. It will force the relay return url sent to to be https, even if the registration page was not.

Carol Stambaugh

July 3, 2013 at 7:39 pm

It worked. Thank you so much everyone!

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