
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Team Registration

Team Registration

Posted: June 25, 2013 at 1:13 am

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Michael Fanous

June 25, 2013 at 1:13 am

Hello all,

I have been trying to wrap my head around this and I can’t figure this out or through the forums. Please forgive my ignorance, I have recently stopped using Joomla and DT Register and our event registration is occurring this week, so I haven’t slept in a few.

Problem – (Single Event) How to register a team of anywhere from 3-12 people?

Option 1 – Allow group registrations, however this forces each attendee to provide an e-mail address, which doesn’t work for elementary students.

Option 2 – Allow group registrations, but don’t gather any info. This option invoices them correctly, but doesn’t help me in gathering the names of the students.

Proposed Solution (but can’t figure it out)

Is there a way to ask a custom question of “How many members do you want to register” (it would be a drop-down of 3-12 people)

If the Primary user (parent) chooses 4 people (for example)…then 4 lines would pop-up on the form for their names to be added, along with the price being updated?

Proposed Solution 2 – (Open to suggestion, on a serious time-crunch)





June 25, 2013 at 1:56 am

Hi Michael,

Team registrations are difficult in Event Espresso. Your option One is the preferred method, but I understand that obtaining all those emails is unnecessary, unless the teacher just adds their own email there.

We don’t have any logic built into the forms so whilst your idea of a dropdown that shows X number of fields is a good one, it simply isnt viable.

The only option I can think of is to use a Textarea question and get the teacher to list childrens names in that.

I believe this is something we will be looking into in the future (post version 4.0)

Michael Fanous

June 25, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Thanks fr the response Dean!. Do you know if there is a way to leave instructions for a question?


* If you will have multiple teams, please designate each team with a team name”

And then a text question of “enter your team name”


  • Support Staff

June 25, 2013 at 4:14 pm

Hi Michael,

There is a way to leave instructions for a question. If make a new question group, you can enter a group name and a group description. The group description is a good place to leave instructions for questions.

You’ll see that there are options to make the group name and group description display on the registration form, so if you enter information in the group description you’ll want to be sure to set it to display.

Once you have your new question group set up, you can assign your question to the group, then select the group within the event editor for the event you’re working on. Here is a link to the documentation that may help too:

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