William Tozzo
March 8, 2017 at 1:34 pm
Hi Guys,
What do we have to add for the two additional filters for ‘Venue’, and ‘Date’ on the table template add on to appear next to the existing filter below please?
<?php if ($category_filter != 'false'){ ?>
<p class="category-filter">
<label><?php echo __('Category Filter', 'event_espresso'); ?></label>
<select class="" id="ee_filter_cat">
<option class="ee_filter_show_all"><?php echo __('Show All', 'event_espresso'); ?></option>
$taxonomy = array('espresso_event_categories');
$args = array('orderby'=>'name','hide_empty'=>true);
$ee_terms = get_terms($taxonomy, $args);
foreach($ee_terms as $term){
echo '<option class="' . $term->slug . '">'. $term->name . '</option>';