
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Surcharge change

Surcharge change

Posted: July 3, 2013 at 8:14 am

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Ofir Avidan

July 3, 2013 at 8:14 am

I search the forum for a solution but i couldn’t find one
when you add the Surcharge
it show let’s say price = £400 and Surcharge = 20%
it show in the registration – £400 + Surcharge/(costume text) 20%
but in the cart it only show – £400 + Surcharge 20% (i cant change the costume text for Surcharge to VAT for example in the cart)
1. Is there a way to edit the PHP source code so i can input VAT instead of Surcharge ? if you can where is the file located ?
2. is there a way to completely remove the Surcharge number (20%) and leave the + Surcharge and it still charge the 20% in the background ? (so the use wont see it on screen)

so i need 2 source code location,
1 source code where the Surcharge located in general
and 1 source code where the Surcharge located on view cart

for example “/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/xxxx.php”

I understand that there’s two plugins involved here
1. The general – Event Espresso – Version
2. Event Espresso – Multi Event Registration – Version 1.0.4 (shoping cart)
My wordpress version is up to date




  • Support Staff

July 3, 2013 at 8:40 am

You can find this in /includes/functions/cart.php. The function that handles the price display in the cart is event_espresso_group_price_dropdown.

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