Been running EE at for about 2 years with no issue. Today client got a hold of me and said all the events pages were telling her she didn’t have permission to access… I looked and got this error
Fatal error: Class ‘Event_Espresso_Widget’ not found in /home/sdcassoc/public_html/wp-includes/widgets.php on line 324
This is what I have done to try to resolve
Deleted the EE and recurring events at the server via ftp
Uploaded latest versions of EE and recurring
Updated WordPress
Deactivated ALL plugins and tried to activate JUST EE
Each time i get the above error on activation. And breaks the whole site – so I rename the ee plugin folder to get my admin panel back.
Help? any ideas??
This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Ann.
Can you check for a widget.php file in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates? I can imagine that if a blank file named widget.php was in that location it would throw the error you are seeing.
Something else strange – gotta be similar – if you could point it out – getting this on my [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] page…
Fatal error: Call to undefined function display_all_events() in /home/sdcassoc/public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/espresso.php on line 989
Never mind – fixed – I run sucuri on the url and they went in and did a clean up yesterday. The files in uploads/espresso/templates were all messed up – i deleted them and presto blamo my events came back.
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