
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Styling event pages

Styling event pages

Posted: August 5, 2013 at 3:51 am

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Safar Academy

August 5, 2013 at 3:51 am


We have created a number of events although many of the form elements are misaligned (event-registration/?ee=21). Could you provide some more information in regards to how to style the form – specifically what style file we need to edit.


  • This topic was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Safar Academy.


August 5, 2013 at 4:04 am

Can you provide a correct link to the event list page please?

Safar Academy

August 16, 2013 at 4:18 pm

in this example the words genreal admission are misaligned. on other pages it’s the price amount


August 18, 2013 at 11:44 pm


Well your theme CSS is affecting some of the looks here. You could try adding the following CSS to your themes style.css or to a plugin such as My Custom CSS

[class*="span"] {
.event_espresso_form_wrapper form p {
clear: both;
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