
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Stripe API Issue – Not the correct amount.

Stripe API Issue – Not the correct amount.

Posted: June 12, 2024 at 11:46 am

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June 12, 2024 at 11:46 am

We are having an issue where in some transactions the Stripe gateway is off by a penny compared to what is listed on the website. $640.81 is on the website but its being charged as 640.8 (missing 1 cent) in Stripe, for example.

The amounts do need to match up for Accounting to match against credit card charges.

Do you have any idea why this might be? It seemed to start in November.

We have a spreadsheet of specific transactions if you need them.

Any guidance is much appreciated! Thank you!

Note: WE had a previous ticket open here:

We applied the EE stripe plug-in update that was recommended via email by Tony, and the issue was not resolved.

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