
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Streamlining Pay at Door (also problems with required questions)

Streamlining Pay at Door (also problems with required questions)

Posted: December 14, 2013 at 2:01 am

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John Matthews

December 14, 2013 at 2:01 am


Following up on (which was closed while I was busy with other projects at our company), I think maybe the point has been missed a bit. See previous thread for same information, except a currently available event for registration is

Here is the Events Espresso procedure (and problems I’m having):

Insert Registration Information into Appropriate Fields
–“Required” questions are not throwing a warning to the user when user doesn’t fill out the field

Verify Registration
–Given that we have multiple pricings for adults, children, members, non-members, there doesn’t seem to be a way to do some basic multiplication/division to separate out each class of ticket without going back and booking each type. So, in the absence of that option, we could settle temporarily for simply listing the price in the event description and not showing a “total price” at all (considering we would set the price variable at zero, and would not want to display that as people would confusedly think they were required to pay $0 at the door).

Receive Confirmation Email (no real issue)

Payment Overview
–We just don’t need this page at all. Every event we have is pay-at-the-door. Even with the “Pay at the Door” option, the warnings and necessity to “Complete Your Registration” is just confusing customers of all ages (why is our registration not complete before we pay, especially given it’s at the door!). We would rather go straight from Verify Payment to the final step…

Thank You! (Registration Complete)
–Same issues as above re: total price, payment method, etc.

Will be looking out for a reply.


  • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by John Matthews. Reason: code issues


  • Support Staff

December 16, 2013 at 6:47 am

Hi John,

I’ll try to answer each section the best I can.

Insert Registration Information into Appropriate Fields
–”Required” questions are not throwing a warning to the user when user doesn’t fill out the field

This is due to JavaScript errors coming from custom.js file which is part of the theme you are currently using, more specifically it is using jQuery incorrectly. I’m assuming (as it’s custom.js) that this is code you have wrote yourself? If not you would need to contact the theme author.

If not take a look here

Verify Registration
–Given that we have multiple pricings for adults, children, members, non-members, there doesn’t seem to be a way to do some basic multiplication/division to separate out each class of ticket without going back and booking each type. So, in the absence of that option, we could settle temporarily for simply listing the price in the event description and not showing a “total price” at all (considering we would set the price variable at zero, and would not want to display that as people would confusedly think they were required to pay $0 at the door).

Event Espresso core allows multipes of one ticket type. However using the Multi Events Registration Add-on (MER for short) you can book multiple ticket types for single or multiple events on one registration.

This involves using a ‘Add to Cart’ button to add your events to a cart system, then the user can chose the ticket type/quantity the require.

Depending on your setup this can be done through the ‘Event List’ or you can place said button within the event description and direct the user to the cart from there.

Payment Overview
–We just don’t need this page at all. Every event we have is pay-at-the-door. Even with the “Pay at the Door” option, the warnings and necessity to “Complete Your Registration” is just confusing customers of all ages (why is our registration not complete before we pay, especially given it’s at the door!). We would rather go straight from Verify Payment to the final step…
Thank You! (Registration Complete)
–Same issues as above re: total price, payment method, etc.

Unfortunately any event with a price attached to it requires a gateway and for the user to finalize the registration. It would likely be possible to automatically click the finalize the registration button after the user clicks the Pay-At-The-Door option (possibly JavaScript) although is not something we have in place currently.

John Matthews

December 19, 2013 at 11:26 pm

Re: custom.js, if you have any hints, I’m all ears. Will try to make it not throw all kinds of errors and/or shatter the entire Internet.

Re: MER, adding to cart will just overcomplicate the process given that, again, all events are pay-at-the-door.

Re: Requirement of a gateway, perhaps it’s about time to implement said option. My limited coding experience suggests it’s not that complicated.

This is by no means resolved, please do not close this thread.


  • Support Staff

December 23, 2013 at 1:59 am

Re: custom.js, if you have any hints, I’m all ears. Will try to make it not throw all kinds of errors and/or shatter the entire Internet.

Try using jQuery noConflict(), look at the last example here:

Re: MER, adding to cart will just overcomplicate the process given that, again, all events are pay-at-the-door.

Currently core doesn’t allow multiple ticket types within a registration unless usinf MER.

Re: Requirement of a gateway, perhaps it’s about time to implement said option. My limited coding experience suggests it’s not that complicated.

I’ll certainly add this thread to our features request list.

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