
Home Forums Roles and Permissions Add-ons (EE3) strange issue with Roles & Permissions Pro

strange issue with Roles & Permissions Pro

Posted: May 21, 2013 at 3:27 pm

Gemini Designs

May 21, 2013 at 3:27 pm

We are trying to use the roles & permissions pro to enable trainers to create and edit events in the backend. Besides this they should be able to see each others events and also be able to edit venues and locations. There will also be a master user who will oversee the whole operation.

Our setup was to use the espresso event manager role for the trainers and the Espresso master admin for the master user. But this setup does not work no matter what we’ve tried.

The Espresso master_admin seems to work and shows all events but the event managers don’t see any event. I’ve tried some other roles like author but these don’t have permission to post or edit.

Looking forward to a reply


May 22, 2013 at 2:23 am


The Master Admin has full admin rights, whereas the Event managers are limited in that they can only see the events that they have created, not other peoples events. If you require users to be able to have free range on editing events, then they will need to be given the master admin role.

Gemini Designs

May 22, 2013 at 3:00 am

Ok, thanks for clarifying this. I was going in circles to find the solution. So for limiting backend access and menu access we would need restrict access another way.  I will look into available plugins for this like adminimize or members to limit access. If there are others which you can suggest we’re open to suggestions.

Can you give an explanation on how the regional managers function works? How do we create such a user? because in the backend we are not able to create a new regional manager.


May 22, 2013 at 4:16 am

Have you looked at the Permissions aspect of the Roles and Permissions addon?

What may work is if you change the Event Manager capabilites under User Roles to have espresso_event_admin, so pretty much they would become an admin, but then under the User Permissions section limit what parts of Event Espresso they can view.

It may not block everything you need but it should cover the basics.

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