
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium still having some issues with messaging

still having some issues with messaging

Posted: July 30, 2014 at 9:33 pm

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brent verco

July 30, 2014 at 9:33 pm

Hi guys,

aplogies but still having a lot of difficulty with the messaging interface for EE4.

As lorenzo suggested I enabled Custom Templates for registration approved email messages.

I found the navigation to the registrant page and then attempted to enter some text into the Question list at the base. What was happening was the text was being repeated 3 times at the base of the email. perhaps this was related to me editing and saving the text ?

I have since deleted the text but im happy to provide login details.

the interface also seems a bit clunky. when you hit the save buttom your diverted back to the event page. You then have to to go through several stages to get back to the message preview option. Perhaps it would be better to be diverted to the preview option after saving.

brent verco

July 30, 2014 at 9:34 pm

opps opologies the website is and the using EE 4.29

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

July 31, 2014 at 3:13 pm


Could you capture a screenshot of what you have entered and upload to WP media or a free image service like Tinygrab or cloudapp and post here?

Alternatively, please email that image to the address below and include a link to this support post:

support [at]


brent verco

July 31, 2014 at 6:37 pm

Ok will do.

Here is some specific info to help you trouble shoot the issue.

Step 1: I open the events page, select vertigo workshop, scroll down the base of the email, select custom templates, change the tab to the registrate and then open the editor.

Step 2: I cut/copy this text into the editor in the question list box just below the question code

CPD Hours: This seminar is the equivalent of 7 Formal CPD Hours (see your accreditation authority policy to determine the value of this in relation to your CPD requirements)

Includes: Your payment includes participation in the seminar , coffee and tea on arrival, morning afternoon tea and lunch.

Visit our sites and sounds page for a look at some of Byronโ€™s Accommodation and Restaurants and things to see

This email confirms your payment to Australian Musculoskeletal Network (AMSN) ABN: 28166836871

A housekeeping email with more detailed information will be sent closer to the event as final details are confirmed.

Should you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us on

We look forward to seeing you there

Kindest regards,

The admin team at the AMSN

Set 3: I log back into the editor, click the preview email but and the info is repeated.

i placed a screen shot here

I will also send the website log in details to the adress you just specified.

kindest regards,


  • Support Staff

August 1, 2014 at 8:47 am

Hi Brent,

The question list field is used to list all the questions linked to the registration form. You can do this various ways and hence its own field.

The reason you see the text repeated 3 times is because you are are adding that text to the question list field. By default all registrations have 3 questions assigned, Fname, LName, Email, so it loops 3 times as it would try to display each of those questions/answers.

The text you are adding would be best placed within the ‘Main Content’

Main content is the content for the full message, from within there other shortcodes (such as [EVENT_LIST]) will be called and parsed. Theres a little more to it than that in that some fiedls loop through for each object assigned (like the questions list)

Here is a quick example of where I would place that text –

Notice the text is within the table, and then after that text, the EVENT_LIST shortcode is parsed. (Any shortcodes within EVENT_LIST are also parsed and so on)

Does that help?

brent verco

August 2, 2014 at 1:58 am

Gday Tony,

Yep that was helpful.

I am curious, the link you took a snapshoot of has a nice visual editor mode shown here

yet when I open my editor I a faced with the ugly raw code editor shown here

Have a missed something ? or is it because your test bed runs 4.3 and my humble site is running 4.29 ?

I was able to make this work using your steps so thank you but i would still like to pass on feeback (in the friendliest possible terms ) that the messaging interface of EE4 is clunky, overcomplicated and a headache to try and use.

I hope future updates of your great product address this.

cheers and thanks once again for your prompt and detailed replies. This really is a great support forum and you guys are doing great work keeping up with it all.


  • Support Staff

August 4, 2014 at 4:40 am

Hi Brent,

The reason I have the visual editor is my image is taken from Event Espresso -> Messages. Then find your message to edit there.

I was able to make this work using your steps so thank you but i would still like to pass on feeback (in the friendliest possible terms ) that the messaging interface of
EE4 is clunky, overcomplicated and a headache to try and use.

We appreciate any and all feedback, without it we can not improve EE so thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

Could you provide any further details as to why its is a headache to try and use? We have an open ticket for improving the messages UI and possibly provide a simplified version for users that only with to make small changes, such as altering a line of text.

I would like to mention that the messages system is an extremely powerful system that we are currently only using a small percentage of, the reason for the current set-up is to allow users to modify almost any of the messages settings/layout/content, but we also need to provide the flexibility for multiple contexts such as Admin/Registrant emails. Providing complex functionality & flexibility in a simple format for all users is a difficult task but we are working on it ๐Ÿ™‚

4.3.0 also takes some steps in improving the messages system, for example 4.2.9 a custom message can be created per event, but that custom message can only be used for that event. 4.3.0 allows you to create a single custom message that can be selected within any event. This may seem like a small change, but one that should help a long way in improving the usability of the messages system.

brent verco

August 4, 2014 at 5:11 am

HI Tony cheers for the reply.

I do understand the trade-off between simplicity and flexibility.

Ah yes I did find the visual editor in the messaging function so Im starting to get my head around the interface now. Looks like I was missing something. I did not see the edit function when I had a look over the messaging interface.

In case its helpful from my point of view of I found it a bit hard that when trying to create an email via the custom templates button as soon as you hit save changes it took you back to the event. It was quite a task to re-select the registrant email (from the default admin) and then check for changes.

But now that you have explained that I can make these changes via the messaging interface that makes things a lot easier.

I look forward to seeing that changes that you mentioned about having a custom message for multiple events.

cheers and best of luck with getting 4.3 stable. whats your best guess for a release date ?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

August 4, 2014 at 8:12 am


The earliest release would be this week.


brent verco

August 5, 2014 at 3:26 am

Hi Tony was thinking about your question.

from my humble point of view it would make more sence to have the default as the recepient rather than the admin when your trying to edit a confirmation of enrollment email ๐Ÿ™‚


August 5, 2014 at 4:51 am

Thanks Brent,

I’ll add that feedback for you.

Darren Ethier

August 5, 2014 at 6:17 am

Brent as the developer primarily responsible for implementing the messages system in EE I just wanted to pop in here and thank you for your helpful feedback.

As Tony already mentioned, messages is a system we’ve designed for a lot of flexibility and power for users who need it but I fully understand how the interface can be clunky to end users who don’t code regularly. It is our plan over a number of iterations to introduce a toggle between “simple” and “advanced” messages editing so the feedback you and others give in the meantime is ALL considered as we work towards that.

Also thanks for the suggestion about defaults for the context dropdown… I’ll be implementing that in an upcoming release. Cheers!

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Darren Ethier.

brent verco

August 5, 2014 at 4:59 pm

Cheers Darren thanks so much for taking the time to touch base.

Just to clarify what would suit my needs ( although I understand that peoples needs differ a lot and this may not be the way forward for EE4 )

A simple one click interface that allows you to create a custom registration recived mail for a particular event and also clearly shows where additional text should be intered.

* the defualt editor goes straight to the registration email and you can disable the split between single and multiple registrations. I would be more than happy for them to both share the same email.

* a one click send new message option to a particular event. This is very handy to announce a last minute speaker change

* The ability to embeed a ” Click here to reprint your tax invoice ” short code in the confirmation email. Many people enroll away from a printer and may wish to print there tax invoice at a later date.

hope that helps and thanks again for saying hi. The actual layout of the emails looks brilliant by the way, so professional and top end !

keep up the great work

Darren Ethier

August 5, 2014 at 5:13 pm

Hey Brent,

Good news! Pretty much everything you’ve requested is available in the just released 4.3.0 version of EE. Feel free to give feedback on its functionality.

Re the invoice, there is a [INVOICE_URL] shortcode available now for payment message types. In EE 4.5.0 (which is making its way through testing) that shortcode becomes available for all message types along with introducing a shortcode for receipts (receipts are currently called “order confirmations”). Also, we’re really excited about 4.5.0 because it moves invoices and receipts into the messages system as message types so you’ll have the ability to easily customize them.

Appreciate the feedback because it validates the changes we’ve been making ๐Ÿ™‚

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