Posted: January 19, 2016 at 11:01 am
I am continuing a question I had in I am working on securing my registration pages using this link But I am a little confused as to which pages should be secure. I know that all the checkout pages should be and I am guessing that I can do that by putting in the codes that are shown in URL filters box of these instructions. But I am confused as to why the pages that have ticket selectors need to be secure. Can you please explain? And if I need to proceed with this…can I just put in the /page-with-ticket-selector-shortcode/ like it shows in the instructions? Lastly, it shows all these pages with shortcodes that need to be secure. Do I just put the shortcake into the URL filters box? Thanks, |
So I tried to secure my cart page by entering [ESPRESSO_CHECKOUT] in the URL filters box and now any time I go to that page on the backend I get And when I go to the page from the front end I get As you can see my logo area image is broken at the top. |
When you select tickets on the ticket selector it starts a ‘session’ which is used by to keep a reference of which user selected what and what registration is tied to which session. You only need to add individual custom pages that are using [ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR] as the standard events that short the TS are all list under /events/ (which is in the list already) If you don’t secure the pages continaing the ticket selector what happens is the ticket selector starts a session within HTTP, then the checkout page is HTTPS and the session is no longer valid. You need the session to start in HTTPS and continue through.
You need to put in the page slug, something that the HTTPS filter can find within the URL. So if you made a page that was ‘My Special Event’ and used the [ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR] shortcode on that paage and look at the URL for the page, it would likely be something like: So you can use ‘/my-special-event/’ as its part of the URL. Basically whatever you place within on each line of the filters will be used to check within the URL, if there is a match it will use HTTPS. So because /events/ is in the list: Or anything containing /events/ in the URL will be secured. Make sense?
No, don’t put the shortcode in the filter, you put the URL (or part of the url) that the shortcode is used on.
Remove what you have there currently and add only: /events/ As shown on the screenshot from Update the filters and retest. |
Hi Tony, Thanks for the in depth answer. I am starting to understand. But I have changed almost every URL so that they do not contain “/events/” as I am selling classes not events. So I don’t think putting “/events/” would do anything on my site. Also I think I have a lot more pages than just “/thank-you/” and “/registration-checkout/” as I have my classes listed on many custom pages. And even when I force the pages to be secure from the page editor I still get the screenshots I attached above. |
Can you link me to an event that I can use to view what happens please? |
This is my test event that I use. Also I just realized that the “/events/” portion of the URL is something that I can’t change so I guess all of my events do have “/events/” in the URL.
Its ok, it’s the forum editor, we (support) can see the links fine. I’ll remove your duplicate posts. |
So the problem with the image on this page is that its loading from: Which doesn’t exist. Does (note the s at the beginning) It looks like that’s a logo set up through the theme, can you re-add the logo now you’ve changed the URL? |
Ok. I replaced the logo. Can you check to make sure it looks right on your end? So now I will proceed with placing /events/ into the https plugin and then I will force any custom pages to be secure from the page editor. Is this correct? |
Also do I need to secure my calendar page because you can scroll over an event and say “register now”? Then it brings you to the events page. |
Hi, your logo appears correctly now. Some of your slugs for your Event Espresso 4 pages are different than the defaults. For example, your registration checkout page has this slug: /checkout/ The default thank you page doesn’t have the correct shortcode here: Go to Event Espresso –> General Settings –> Critical Pages. This page has the information about the pages that help with registrations on your site. I would secure all of those page slugs. You should check those as the examples that we share here will be for the defaults and if yours are different, then you’ll want to use those instead. — |
Ok. So I just went through a whole checkout process and everything had the https except the thank you page that had the following URL: |
Ok. I think I have secured all the critical pages and any custom pages that I have events listed on. Thanks! |
Alright, please use this slug for the thank you page: /thank-you-2/ — |
Ok. Thanks! I think I have it set up now. |
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