I would like to suggest Event Espresso to my client to manage our events on the wordpress site. But when I did some test registrations using the free version, I got a syntax error. If I can’t fix this, I can’t even recommend the program. Otherwise, it seems to do everything we need.
And here’s the error message it’s displaying (in case you see something different) It’s displayed twice on the page.
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘) ORDER BY q.id ASC’ at line 7] SELECT q.*, qg.group_name FROM wp_events_question q JOIN wp_events_qst_group_rel qgr on q.id = qgr.question_id JOIN wp_events_qst_group qg on qg.id = qgr.group_id WHERE qgr.group_id in () ORDER BY q.id ASC
WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by Garth.
The lite version (version number 3.1.20.L) has a bug in the group registrations feature. Until we can get an update out for the lite version that will address this issue, you could try disabling group registrations for this event. There is a setting under the event options where you can set “Allow group registrations” to no.
As an alternative to the free version, I would recommending testing out the full version of Event Espresso on the test drive site. You can get a free account instantly by signing up here: https://eventespresso.com/download/test-drive-event-espresso/
I am actually almost done merging the latest updates from 3.1.25 into the lite version. After that I need to test all the latest changes. Hopefully I can get it uploaded into the WP website soon.
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