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Some Layout Questions

Posted: November 28, 2012 at 12:43 pm

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November 28, 2012 at 12:43 pm

I’m working on building a site selling the courses my company offers and we purchased EE on Monday and I am still getting used to using it, so bare with me if these are repeat questions (I’ve searched some and surfed through the documentation). My first question is what all do I need to do to edit the course boxes that show up under ‘Event Registration’? They are a bit too big for my liking, so I want to mess around with the sizing as well as the text shown. (the link I am posting below the next paragraph is what I am looking to accomplish)

That also leads me to another question: I am using recurring events (each class we offer has 3-4 dates and we have 30+ classes) and I don’t want to have every single instance of a course show up in the event registration page that lists them all. I’ve seen some of your website showcases that are doing some things I’d like to incorporate:

Can something like that be done leveraging your short code(s) and obviously some html/css modifications to get the desired layout? I really like the layout in that site above.


Jonathan Wilson

November 28, 2012 at 2:23 pm

Hello Yolande,

That site is using a customized version of the event_espresso_style.css file. The file is found in wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/templates. They have moved the file into the wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates directory and customized it.

To edit the text, we recommend editing the language file with Poedit and translating the text. So if you wanted “Surcharge” to read “booking fee”, then you could easily translate it in the language file.

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