
Home Forums Social Coupons Integration (EE3) Social coupon per event

Social coupon per event

Posted: November 25, 2012 at 5:15 am

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luis irizarry

November 25, 2012 at 5:15 am


Is there a way to use different “Social Coupons” for select events?

Example: If I ran two different Deals, one Event1 @$39 and one for Event2 @$169 is there a way to prevent vouchers for Event1 being used to register for Event2?

No way around it, but to have vouchers utilization for only one event until event expires and delete then any unused one from database?

If yes, please advise how. If no, then there is any timetable of when vouchers per event will be a reality?


November 26, 2012 at 1:35 am

Hello Luis,

This is already possible using the Promotional Codes system available in the core plugin.

Basically, you create a promotional code and then in the event on the right hand side you will find Event Promotions box. Select “Allow discounts codes?” as Yes and then tick the promotional code you want to use for that event.

Only that code can be used on that event all others will fail.

Social Coupons is a different story though. The idea behind this is that the coupons can be used on any event but they have a shelf life of one use per coupon.

We currently have no plans in motion to add the event limiting feature to the Social Coupons add on, though I will happily add the suggestion to our feature request list and if you would like to sponsor development of this, you can request it here.

luis irizarry

November 26, 2012 at 12:37 pm


Thanks for your quick response. But, with all due respect, I am not really interested to offer promocodes by itself.

The “social coupons” integration module, per my understanding of “social coupons”, are applied in the industry to any event where it is authorized. An event may have a different sponsor or owner, therefore a “voucher” or “social coupon” for event#1, merchant#1 will not make sense to be redeem by merchant #1, event #2 nor a Merchant#2 other events.
See below the link with example, as I understand the use of a social coupon (ie. groupon addon) by similar events planner script. (delete if link is considered inappropiate for posting: .

Now, if there is a way to associate promocode to be handled internally by admin within database with a set of vouchers and this association will be only known by EExpresso admin thru control panel or any other way, then that may make the differentiation possible within EEspresso? Just a thought…. For now, then the EventsExpresso “Groupon addon” is only useful for only one defined event and only for the same merchant. Very limiting…

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 27, 2012 at 5:12 pm

You are correct in assuming that a coupon for event #1 should not also be valid for event #2, 3, 4 and 10. This is currently a limitation of the Social Coupon add-on. We are currently hoping to develop a 2.0 version that will hook into the Groupon and Living Social APIs and give us a lot more freedom and ability to make voucher codes specific for specific events.

luis irizarry

November 29, 2012 at 6:24 am

Thank you again for your answer. I suggest to
a) do not limit “social coupon” application to groupon/living social only. There are a number of other “groupon type clones” scripts it may benefit if you just let flexibility.
b) Allow option to “merchant” to see event registration status. I mean, to see person names registered in their events, besides the Admin.

Until this addon is improved, I may not use espresso at all. Still, it is a very complete script for other type of needs.



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