
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Site-wide license key reset

Site-wide license key reset

Posted: November 9, 2012 at 12:47 pm

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Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 9, 2012 at 12:47 pm

We have been diligently working on trying to resolve the automatic upgrade issues that we’ve been seeing from many of our users. A solution has been found and will be deployed today (Friday, November 9). This resolution involves a site-wide reset of everyone’s license keys.

This means that most people will start to see invalid license key messages in their dashboard after the reset is done. The up-side is that, if all goes well (we’ve tested this on our development and beta versions of this website), the only time you should see the “invalid key” message will be under expected circumstances. Once it’s set, it’s done, and you shouldn’t need to have your key reset unless you’re moving your license to a new site.

The only thing you will need to do is go to your General Settings page and, if you already have a valid license key set, re-save the options. If you don’t have a key set, now would be an excellent time to get your license key from your user account page (accessible from the Account link at the top right corner of this site), copy the key, and paste it to your Event Espresso General Settings page and save.

If you don’t save your settings, it should still update eventually, using the wp_cron process, so it could be that you never see the invalid license key message at all. If there are still issues, we will address those on a case-by-case basis. This should resolve the vast majority of update issues that have been occurring since we added the automatic update feature.

Note: For users still getting a “download failed” issue on updates after this reset, read below.

We’ve been able to determine with some users installs that our automatic update system is working correctly, however, their WordPress install is not allowing the redirect to the url we send back pointing to the file hosted on Amazon’s servers. The reason this happens is most likely because there is another plugin installed that also hooks into the WordPress update system and is modifying the ‘redirection’ argument which is the amount of times a script follow a redirect before giving up. Another possibilty is that the server your site is hosted on is limiting the type of redirects allowed.

What we suggest if you are experiencing this issue, is deactivating any plugins that you have installed which have their own updating mechanism (i.e. automatic updates not coming from You may find this will allow you to update Event Espresso. We will continue to research this issue and see if there is a way that we can fix this within Event Espresso.

  • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by Chris Reynolds.
  • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by Chris Reynolds.
  • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by Garth. Reason: Emphasis added
  • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by Chris Reynolds.

Joe Faletra

November 12, 2012 at 8:56 am

Hey guys!

I tired the above and got this message:

The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.

Enabling Maintenance mode…

Updating Plugin Event Espresso (1/1)
An error occurred while updating Event Espresso: Update package not available..

Disabling Maintenance mode…

All updates have been completed.

If I need to wait longer just let me know.


Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 12, 2012 at 9:50 am

When did you try to do the update and what version were you updating from?


November 13, 2012 at 3:00 am

I still seem to be getting this issue.
The plug-ins page says that is available, but, as has happened with the last few updates I have the following message:

> “There is a new version of Event Espresso available. View What’s New
> with version You need a valid Site License Key to enable
> automatic upgrades. Your current membership level does not allow
> automatic upgrades on more than one domain. Please log into your
> account to manage your Site License Keys or purchase a support license
> now.”

When I look at the updates from the Dashboard/updates link instead, I get a strange message:

> “Event Espresso You have version installed. Update to .
> View version details.Compatibility with WordPress 3.4.2: Unknown”

Following the “View version details” link leads to a plug-in that I don’t have installed:
I don’t know if this helps you pin down why the problem still exists on my installation. I’ll leave things as they are – let me know if you need any more information.
I am currently running version and WordPress 3.4.2


November 13, 2012 at 3:17 am

There is clearly something unusual with our set-up. I just tried the Dashboard updates route again and the “View Version Details” link for the Event Espresso plug-in is still misdirecting, but this time it linked to a different plug-in


November 13, 2012 at 3:34 am

I’m having similar problems and now group registrations have stopped working as well.

I saved the licence key and the message at the top of the screen disappears but when I try to update event espresso I get the following error:-

The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.

Enabling Maintenance mode…
Updating Plugin Event Espresso (1/1)

An error occurred while updating Event Espresso: Update package not available..

Disabling Maintenance mode…

All updates have been completed.

When I go to the plugins tab event espressos entry shows like this:-

Out-of-the-box Events Registration integrated with PayPal IPN for your WordPress blog/website. Support
Version | By Event Espresso | Visit plugin site

There is a new version of Event Espresso available. View What’s New with version You need a valid Site License Key to enable automatic upgrades. Your current membership level does not allow automatic upgrades on more than one domain. Please log into your account to manage your Site License Keys or purchase a support license now.

Please help ASAP I have live events.

Joe Faletra

November 13, 2012 at 9:06 am

@Chris. November 12th and I am currently on Event Espresso –

I tried again today and have the same message.



November 13, 2012 at 9:27 am

I am also seeing this message, and am unable to run the update. Also – The attendee excel export is not including the attendee details. The last time I ran it, it did. What has changed?

There is a new version of Event Espresso available. View What's New with version You need a valid Site License Key to enable automatic upgrades. Your current membership level does not allow automatic upgrades on more than one domain. Please log into your account to manage your Site License Keys or purchase a support license now.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 13, 2012 at 3:30 pm

Everyone who is having issues updating NEEDS to update to manually. Many of the fixes for the issues you are experiencing were included in that update. If you are still having issues after updating to, let us know (you can test this by going into the Plugin Editor in your WP dashboard and setting the version number to something lower, like Make sure that the Event Espresso directory is named /event-espresso/ and not something else (/event-espresso-3-1-27/, /event-espresso.3.1.27/, etc.
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