
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium site license question / problem

site license question / problem

Posted: August 14, 2012 at 9:13 am

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August 14, 2012 at 9:13 am

I tried to implement the automatic update first on a local version of my site that’s just on my computer so I thought I could just take the license key off the live site and put it on the local build. But then I got a message that I can only have the site license on one domain. So I took the key off the local site and put it back on the live site. But then I got a message on both sites that says the key doesn’t work. So I tried resetting the key, but I didn’t realize it costs money to reset the key. So I did not follow through with it and now it says the “reset is pending”…

Sorry for the long background. In the end I just manually updated everything…

But my questions are:

1) Is there a way I can implement automatic updates to a local development site? Do I have to pay for another license? I don’t want to directly do it to the live site in case something goes wrong.

2) How do I get rid of the “reset pending” message? Can I just keep using my current license key?

Thanks. Sorry for the long message.


  • Support Staff

August 14, 2012 at 9:40 am

Hi Ricky,

As you’ve found, the license key can only be used in one installation of WordPress. So, we’d suggest choosing which one you want use the auto updates on. We recommend using the auto updates on a local development site so you can test and then deploy the changes to live.

I’ve reset your license so you can make that decision more officially. If you do change your mind about adding the updates to live instead, we can reset your license for free. It’s just when you use the license key on a different website that you have to purchase the reset.

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