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Site issues

Posted: January 6, 2015 at 1:05 pm

Dov Goldstein

January 6, 2015 at 1:05 pm

I am having many registrants missing a Reg Code in the back-end

2) The calender on the front is not adding events (

3) Many customers say the payment page is not directing ( but I can not replicate this issue.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

January 6, 2015 at 2:03 pm

Hi, in the future please create a new support post per issue.

On issue #2, is your site up to date? If so, have you recently made any changes to the site such as adding new plugins?

On issue #3, since you aren’t able to duplicate the issue, we’ll need to know the web browser that they are having this issue with.



Dov Goldstein

January 9, 2015 at 1:26 pm

2) The calender on the front is not adding events ( I just added it and it won’t pull the events…

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

January 9, 2015 at 2:16 pm

Hi, are you referring to the events calendar widget on the homepage?

If so, could you double-check that its not set to retrieve events from a calendar that is empty? This can be done through the settings for the widget in WP-admin –> Appearance –> Widgets.

If you are referring to a calendar page, then please share that link so we can take a look.



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