When I add the single event shortcode to a page. The following message is displayed insteaad of the event information: “We are sorry but this event has reached the maximum number of attendees! Please check back in the event someone cancels. Current Number of Attendees: 0”
event espresso v 3.1.30
wordpress v 3.5
This topic was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by Nahum Szumer.
Can you paste the code you are using please? Also, have you checked the event to see if their is a maximum number of attendees set and if that has been reached?
Hi Dean,
this is the url of the page with the error http://efac.com.au/family/test/
this is the shortcode used which was generated from the event overview
[SINGLEEVENT single_event_id=”finding-magic-moments-%e2%80%93-making-a-difference-with-young-people-1-50b”]
the attendee limit is 999999 and there are no registrations.
I believe that the event title contains punctation eg a dash –
In that version of event espresso the dash is converted into the unique event identifier (instead of being removed) and causes issue. Please create the event without the punctuation and then you can edit the event and add it back in. This will create a valid id.
Or update to the latest version as it has been fixed.
OK no problem, I should have checked it. Did the event have a dash or punctuation in the title though? Can you test an event with just letters and numbers and see if it does the same thing on your site?
Thanks for checking that. Not sure why your site is still producing incorrect ID’s, as that version definitely doesnt do that. Can you try deactivating and reactivating Event Espresso and any EE add ons and make sure that the add ons are up to date.
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