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Simple multi class event

Posted: November 28, 2012 at 2:57 am

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Andrew Appleton

November 28, 2012 at 2:57 am

I have just installed and setup EE plus MER. The majority of my events are one day workshops but I want to be able to setup an open day which is free to register for that has 5 optional classes that are charged. Students should be able to register for the event for free then select one or more classes and pay for them via Paypal integration.

I am already getting the add to cart feature on my existing events but I would like to try and group together the classes on the open day to save confusion during registration.

Do I need to create a unique registration page for the open day event?


November 28, 2012 at 4:45 am

Hi Andrew,

splitting up events can be done by using the EVENT_LIST shortcode and categories. Basically you set each event a specific category, lets say default and openday, and you would create 2 new pages in WordPress and add the EVENT_LIST shortcode with the category attribute –

You would need to remove the default Event Registration page from your menu navigation so people don’t go there in error.

This is the best way, you could just add the category to the open day events but then they would list in the event registration page as well which is not what you want.

Currently, we don’t have a system for parent and child events which is something we are considering at the moment. This means that you can list the Open day events, the free one and the paid for ones, but users are under no obligation to select the free one, so you would need to make it obvious that they need to select that too.

On your newly created event list of open day categories, the default would be like this

One other option would be to use the Custom Files addon and use a table to display the options, something like this (its a page with the [ESPRESSO_TABLE category_id=”change_this”] shortcode in, which also accepts the category attribute)

That is slightly modified version of the basic espresso_table.php file found in the custom files addon and I have placed a copy of it here for you

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