
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Show recurring events, but hide expired events

Show recurring events, but hide expired events

Posted: July 5, 2012 at 4:59 pm

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Jeffrey Painter

July 5, 2012 at 4:59 pm

We would like to show recurring events in the event list, yet hide expired events. It seems as though setting the show_recurring shortcode to true shows even expired events if they are recurring. Here is the tag we’re using:

[EVENT_LIST order_by=date(start_date),event_name show_recurrence=true]

I’ve also tried:

[EVENT_LIST show_expired=false order_by=date(start_date),event_name show_recurrence=true]

With no luck. Any suggestions?

Here is the site in question:

  • This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by Josh. Reason: Moving to premium forum


  • Support Staff

July 6, 2012 at 10:12 am

I’m not able to reproduce this issue in the current version of Event Espresso. I can suggest updating to the current version.

Jason Chafin

July 7, 2012 at 8:13 am

I’m having a same-but-different issue, Mine’s with the widget. I have only two recurring events, one happens on a monthly basis and one on a weekly basis, but the widget doesn’t appear to drop expired instances.

Widget settings:

  • Title: Upcoming Events;
  • Event Category: Class;
  • Limit: 2
  • Show Expired Events: No;
  • Show Waitlist Events: No;
  • Show Recurring Events: YES.

As of July 07, its still showing events for June 23 and June 25. If I increase the number of events for it to show to up to 5, the later events in the series do show up, but the expired/past events do not drop off. Is there any other setting I’m missing? I feel like I’ve looked everywhere.

Jason Chafin

July 7, 2012 at 8:35 am

Additionally, my “Events” Page is also continuing to show expired events. My shortcode:
[ESPRESSO_EVENTS show_expired=false]


  • Support Staff

July 9, 2012 at 8:09 am

Hi Jason,

The show_expired=false parameter works with the [EVENT_LIST] shortcode. Don’t replace the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] though, set up a new page for the event list, and remove the page with the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] from the site’s navigation menu.

Also, make sure that in Event Espresso>General settings, the “Events expire on registration end date?” is set to yes. Then check the events for June 23 & 25 and make sure the registration close dates are set on a date in the past.

Jason Chafin

July 19, 2012 at 2:26 pm

Hi Josh,

Thanks for this. Sorry its taken me a day or so to get back to this forum. I stuck the shortcode in a text widget, so I’ll change it and see what I get. Thanks for your help!


September 17, 2012 at 8:27 am

I have the same problem here, I think: using EE’s own “upcoming events” widget, set to display recurring events and hide expired events, my list actually only shows expired events (it’s limited to 10 events). Is there a workaround?

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