I see there is a shortcode for an event [ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR event_id=123] but what would the shortcode be where the event ID would be automatically generated by the single event you are viewing? I’m creating a template for individual events.
Currently, the ticket selector shortcode requires an event_id to be passed for it to work, or the EE_Event object is passed to the function the above shortcode is calling.
When you say creating a template, do you mean a theme template or a template within a page builder?
OK, so a page builder template (not the usual ‘theme template’ used within WordPress itself).
You can’t work around this within the template without making a changing to how the shortcode is parsed. I’ll create a ticket to discuss this and see what we can do here.
Is is just the ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR shortcode you are using or others?
The ticket booking form shortcode is all I need. I also have installed the Waitlist addon, so I am hoping that will show up when the event is full as well?
That hooks into the ticket selector output, so it should do yes.
Note the Waitlist add-on is based on the Event having a sold-out status, it wont show if you have say 2 different ticket types and only 1 of those types is sold out.
Sure did! lease update to the latest version 5.0.36.p which includes a fix for this.
If you don’t see an update on your site just yet then go to Event Espresso -> General Settings.
Make no changes and just hit save to force an update check.
The update should then show in Dashboard -> Plugins.
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